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Canadian Muslims and pro-family activist Kamel El-Cheikhdarstv / YouTube

Correction: This article originally stated that the protest was planned for September 22, but it is actually scheduled for September 20, 2023.

(LifeSiteNews) — Canadian Muslims are planning to hold a “Million Person March” to combat LGBT indoctrination in schools.  

On September 20, 2023, Ottawa businessman and Muslim activist Kamel El-Cheikh hopes to gather Canadians of all faiths to march against LGBT ideology being pushed on children in the nation’s schools. 

“I am optimistic – absolutely,” El-Cheikh told the Post Millennial in a recent interview. “You know, if [there’s] one thing that’s going to inspire Canadians from coast to coast to go down and protest, it’s the kids and their innocence and it’s families.” 

In recent months, El-Cheikh has led Muslim and Christian groups in Ottawa in protests against gender ideology and sex education in the city’s schools. 

According to El-Cheikh, schools are beginning to directly target Muslim children with LGBT ideology. He revealed that one school pamphlet even asked children, “Can I still be Muslim if I am queer?”  

The pamphlet answered that Islam and homosexuality are not in conflict and an active homosexual can be a good Muslim. According to El-Cheik, such a statement is tantamount to “blasphemy.” 

“The kids called [the teacher] out on it and they told [him], ‘Excuse me sir, you’re a liar,'” El-Cheik said. “These are 14- year-old kids and they walked out of class anyway.” 

Recent months have seen an increase in Muslims and Christians joining forces in the fight to defend children from LGBT ideology. 

On June 1, thousands of students across Canada stayed home as part of a Campaign Life Coalition initiative to protest the promotion of “Pride Month” in the public education system, with at least one school reportedly having 75 percent of its students missing.    

Earlier this year, a leaked audio recording of Canadian teacher lambasting her Muslim students for missing school to protest “pride” sparked backlash across social media. Many were outraged that the teacher implied that students cannot withhold support for “pride” and be “Canadian.”  

In June, video footage of Muslim boys trampling “pride” flags at a pro-family rally organized by Christian activist Josh Alexander went viral 

Later that same month, a group of Muslims gathered outside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office on Wellington Street in downtown Ottawa to demand an end to LGBT indoctrination in the classroom.  

And again in late June, well over 250 Muslim and Christian parents, children, and other pro-family citizens gathered for the second straight weekend in Calgary, Alberta, to protest the ongoing promotion of extreme LGBT ideology in public schools. 

As the protests continue to increase in frequency and turnout, Trudeau, instead of addressing the concerns of parents, lectured Muslims on participating in these pro-family events, claiming that the protests are “fueled by the American right-wing.”  

Trudeau then claimed that online material is “being weaponized by people who are not doing it because of their interest in supporting the Muslim community.”  

El-Cheikh condemned Trudeau for his statements, declaring that LGBT ideology is akin to a “fatwa,” or a sin against the Muslim faith. 

