TORONTO, Feb 2 (LifeSiteNews) – The January edition of the Canadian Pharmacy Practice journal covers the controversy raised over the recent release of “Preven” in Canada. Preven is the first approved drug kit specifically designed to be taken after intercourse in order to kill the possibility of giving birth to a child. The article cites Jeff Poston the executive director of the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA), as indicating that while the organization “supports the use of the new drug, it also recognizes the pharmacist’s right to refuse to fill [a prescription] based on moral or religious beliefs.”
While the US Wal-Mart pharmacy chain and many Canadian private pharmacies have refused to dispense the abortifacient drugs altogether, the article reports that the Canadian Wal-Mart pharmacies and the Pharma Plus chain plan to order the abortifacient drugs on request but not to stock them. Shoppers Drug Mart, however, carries the death dealing drugs in stock. The Canadian pro-life boycott of pharmacies which dispense Preven would thus definitely include a boycott of Shoppers Drug Mart and pro-lifers are asked to visit Shoppers to inform the owners of the reason for the boycott.
Shamefully the article in the pharmacists’ journal attempts to suggest that the drug is not abortifacient, a suggestion flying in the face of all scientific research on the drugs. Furthermore, in an editorial in the journal Anne Bokma says that “those pharmacists guided by their conscience to not dispense Preven still have a responsibility to their patients … to have a prepared information sheet with a list of addresses of nearby pharmacies where the product is available.”
To express your concerns to Shoppers Drug Mart:
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See the article and the editorial in the Pharmacy Practice journal.
To send a letter to the journal and/or the editor:
[email protected]
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