
HAMILTON, ON, Nov 22 ( – The Canadian Press reported earlier this month that at least two pharmacies in Hamilton have decided not to sell the “morning-after” abortifacient drug Preven. 

Furthermore, Marchese Pharmacy another one in the area is allowing its staff to refuse to dispense Preven on religious or moral grounds. 

Abortion supporters are incensed at these actions. Even pharmacy giant Wal-Mart Canada has refused to stock the drugs – but it will make them available on request. Considering the “emergency” nature of the drugs, most users will opt to look elsewhere for the early abortion drug which is said only to work for 72 hours after intercourse. 

Despite claims that Preven is not abortion, Hamilton area MD Dr. Carmelo Scime explains “It’s a human pesticide, if you have an egg, you have an egg, if you have a sperm, you have a sperm. When the two meet you have something different. You have the beginning of a human life.” 

With files from Pro-Life E-News Canada.