TORONTO, March 6, 2003 ( – March 3 to 9 is Pharmacy Awareness Week, an event sponsored by the Canadian Pharmacists AssOciation. It is a week when people are asked to learn about the services that a pharmacist can provide, especially “Drug Information”. The theme for this year’s Pharmacy Awareness Week is: “Your Health… Your Medications…Talk to Your Pharmacist”
Pharmacists for Life is urging pro-life consumers to “talk to your pharmacist” about the emerging problem of pharmaceutical “abortion” using the so called Morning After Pill or “Emergency Contraception”. Pharmacists should know that people are aware that these drugs can cause abortions.
Helpful in this mission would be the LifeSite coverage of a paper outlining the abortifacient nature of these drugs, that was published in a recognized Pharmaceutical Journal – “The Annals of Pharmacotherapy”. The LifeSite coverage contains a link to the actual journal article. See the LifeSite coverage: LEADING INT’L PHARMACY JOURNAL CONFIRMS MORNING AFTER PILL IS ABORTIFACIENT