
OTTAWA, November 25, 2003 ( – The Canadian Psychological Association endorsed homosexual ‘marriage’ Monday.  Announcing the decision, association president Dr. Patrick O’Neill, said, “All children deserve to feel that society accepts and recognizes their families.  Children of same-sex couples are no exception.”  The endorsement comes as no surprise since the association recently attacked a Vatican document on homosexual unions.  In August, O’Neill took issue with the portion of a Vatican document which indicated that “Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such (homosexual) unions would actually mean doing violence to these children, in the sense that their condition of dependency would be used to place them in an environment that is not conducive to their full human development.”  O’Neil pointed out studies indicating that homosexual parenting does not harm children.  However, recent research has revealed that the 49 significant studies which support O’Neill’s conclusions all contained fatal flaws, and many have indicated that they were politically motivated.  Robert Lerner, Ph.D., and Althea Nagai, Ph.D., professionals in the field of quantitative analysis, found that 48 of the 49 studies use non-probability samples which means that their data is unlikely to be representative of the larger population. In addition, only 4 of the 49 studies actually make comparisons to children raised in traditional families where the mother and father are the biological parents of the children; and these four are shown to be seriously flawed in their methodology.  See the CP coverage of the CPA announcement:   See related LifeSite coverage:  Canadian Psychological Association Slams Vatican Document on Homosexual Unions