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KITCHENER, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) –– Not all trustees who serve on a woke Ontario public school board are okay with it getting rid of the word “parent” on a slew of official documents and replacing it with “caregiver” or “family,” calling the whole situation “embarrassing.”  

Trustees from the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) at its meeting on December 11, 2023, voted for a total of four policy changes, those being fundraising, communication with families, helping those with medical needs, and one about extreme temperatures. However, all the new or revised policies had removed the word “parent” from the text of the documents, instead replacing it with the word families or caregivers. 

The extreme temperatures policy had never even before mentioned the words “parent” or legal guardian, however, the words “families” and “caregivers” were added.  

WRDSB trustee Cindy Watson was not pleased with the change, and noted, “I’m just not sure why we don’t want to say the word parent.”  

She added that she was “quite embarrassed that we don’t want to say parent or even legal guardian.” 

According to WRDSB trustee Kathleen Woodcock, the board was looking for more “inclusive” language, and that this kind of “lexicon is forthcoming, we just haven’t finished it.” 

“We’re looking to modernize the language, make it more inclusive, and make sure that all our policies have the same language according to our developing lexicon,” she noted.  

Someone then questioned the board as to the legality of it getting rid of the word “parent.”   

According to the associate director for the WRDSB Graham Shantz, “We have not had any concerns utilizing this language as it results in our day-to-day operations.” 

Trustee Scott Piatkowski claimed that families included “parents” but that “not every student is being raised by their parent.” 

He said that people need to “recognize that there are different kinds of families, and family and caregivers includes traditional parent relationships and it includes other forms of caregivers.” 

This is not the first time the WRDSB has been involved in ideological issues. 

Last month, LifeSiteNews reported about how an Ontario court ruled in favor of a WRDSB teacher who was silenced for voicing concerns over LGBT books in school libraries.

Ontario Superior Court Justice James Ramsay on November 23 rejected a request from the WRDSB to dismiss the defamation case of now-retired teacher Carolyn Burjoski. She had originally filed the suit after she was silenced and publicly accosted last year for sounding the alarm over pro-LGBT books being available to young students at school libraries during a WRDSB meeting. 

Burjoski’s fight for justice began after she was removed from a Board of Trustees meeting on January 17, 2022, after exposing the dangers of LGBT books in school libraries. According to court documents, during her presentation, Burjoski revealed that some of the books made it “seem simple or even cool to take puberty blockers and opposite sex hormones.”   

However, her victory was short lived as later, on November 29, by three judges with Ontario’s Divisional Court dismissed Burjoski’s application for a judicial review of the January 2022 decision by her trustees to kick her off the board.  

She has now said she will fight this ruling with an appeal.  

Canada’s most prominent anti-woke psychologist Jordan Peterson recently said society has “demonized family and children” through attacks on the traditional family.  

Peterson said earlier this year that he is looking at launching a pro-family international consortium as an alternative to the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF), which he said offers the world nothing but an “apocalyptic narrative.” 

The WEF has radical plans created by global elites that seeks to “push the reset button on the global economy” and establish a New World Order. 

