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Canadian Senator Larry CampbellSenate of Canada

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – Canadian Senator Larry Campbell told a woman that her existence “scares” him after she expressed concerns about the nation’s COVID-19 measures, including the vaccination of children.  

“Knowing that there are people who think like you scares me,” he wrote. “Have a nice day.” 

LifeSiteNews received the entire email exchange between the Senator and the citizen, to whom we will refer by her first name Stephanie. 

Stephanie sent the first email to Senator Campbell last week, expressing her concern about the imposition of COVID vaccine segregation in Canada and the dangers of the jabs for children. 

“I am writing to express my very deep concerns with the vaccine mandates, especially the division of society with vaccine passports and the push to vaccinate children,” she wrote. 

“Vaccine passports directly violate our privacy and mobility rights, our right to bodily autonomy, and our freedom of association and assembly. And to what benefit? It is clear… [the vaccines] do not stop the virus spread – something that is becoming increasingly clear as Omicron becomes the main variant,” she continued.  

“The vaccine manufacturers themselves have said that the vaccines were not intended to stop the transmission, and it is clear that the vaccinated can spread COVID.” 

Stephanie added, “Mandatory vaccines violate a core principle of medical ethics: free and informed consent.” 

The concerned citizen highlighted risks to female fertility, the abnormally high amount of severe reactions and death when compared to other vaccines, and the fact that the long-term effects are not known as the vaccines are still in trial and an experimental product. 

To this first email, Senator Campbell simply replied: “Just get vaccinated. And I support the passports.” 

Stephanie neither stated her vaccination status in the email nor asked the Senator for medical advice. Meanwhile, Campbell did not address any of her concerns about the state of segregation in Canada due to vaccination status, or the risks children face because of the vaccines. 

After Stephanie sent a second email, expressing dismay at his curt reply, the Senator told her, “Knowing that there are people who think like you scares me.” 

Stephanie told LifeSiteNews: “While I didn’t honestly expect him to agree with my viewpoint, I did expect a polite and professional reply. I double-checked that I had the email right in case I was being trolled by some teenager somewhere.”  

“I believe his reaction shows how the intolerance and hate speech coming from our Prime Minister is making this type of response ‘permissible’,” she added.  

“Trudeau has not been held accountable by the media or the Conservatives for his hate speech and that is a message that speaks loud and clear. [Prime Minister], please stop breaking my country.” 

In response to the Senator’s dismissive and impolite treatment of Stephanie, Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews, “Sometimes, when you get talking to them [politicians], you realize they have nothing between the ears, and that definitely seems to be the case with Senator Campbell.” 

“Not only is it exceedingly rude and unbecoming of a Senator who’s supposed to represent all the citizens of his province, but it demonstrates a lack of intelligence and a deficiency in his capacity for rational thought.” 

Fonseca concluded by saying: “This also demonstrates how dangerous Justin Trudeau’s ongoing vilification of a medical minority of Canadians really is. Due to the PM’s relentless vilification of unvaxxed Canadians, a Senator feels it’s acceptable to wish away their existence.  Justin Trudeau is the most dangerous man in Canadian political history, and his scapegoating of vaccine-free Canadians frightens me because it bears such a close resemblance to Hitler’s demonization of Jews throughout the 1930’s and 40’s. We see a fresh torrent of hate coming at unvaccinated Canadians with almost every Covid announcement that crosses Trudeau’s lips. The PM’s hate speech needs to stop.” 

Larry Campbell is a Senator from Vancouver, and the former mayor of the city. He is best known for promoting illicit narcotic usage by spearheading the establishment of the first injection site in North America where citizens can take narcotics without legal consequences in a facility that is paid for by the taxpayer. 

Such medical experts as Dr. Paul Alexander have vociferously opposed the inoculation of children with the COVID jabs, citing their strong, natural immunity and their very low risk from the coronavirus. In addition, millions of reports of adverse reactions to the experimental medication, including thousands of deaths have been reported. There is a significant risk of myocarditis in young men, in particular, who take the vaccines, and several countries have restricted the use of the Moderna vaccine to those over 30.  

LifeSiteNews contacted the Senator’s office for further comment but did not receive a response. 

To make your views respectfully known, please contact 

Senator Larry Campbell 

140 Wellington St.
Ottawa, ON 
K1A 0A4 

Tel: 613-995-4050  

Email: [email protected]   

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.

