OTTAWA, December 16, 2002 ( – Just prior to recessing for the Christmas break Friday, the House of Commons Health Committee approved the ‘assisted reproduction’ bill C-13. The bill, which continues to allow destructive research on embryonic humans, has actually been made worse with amendments by the committee. The bill was amended to ensure that the public is forced to fund artificial procreation for lesbians and single women. The committee added the phrase: “persons who seek to undergo assisted reproduction procedures must not be discriminated against, including on the basis of their sexual orientation or marital status.”
Hilary White of Campaign Life Catholic commented on the amendments saying, “It is hard to believe it could be possible, but the legislators have actually managed to make this bill even more offensive to the Christian majority in this country. We had hoped that the health committee would be able to inject some recognition of the right to life of all human beings; That there could be some recognition that the embryonic human being is more than a possession, more than research material, more than a thing that can be bought sold or used for experiments. Instead, they have chosen to use the bill as a means to advance the anti-family agenda of the current government.” The bill now goes back to the House of Commons for third and final reading and a vote when the House reconvenes in February. Political analysts say the bill can be expected to be one of the first items on the agenda but several amendments are expected to be introduced. The bill in its current form is online at: See LifeSite’s comprehensive Stem Cell page