LONDON, Ontario, June 30, 2006 ( – Vote Marriage Canada spokesman Pat O’Brien has taken Statistics Canada’s report, “Till death do us part?” (The Daily, June 28th 2006) as confirmation that heterosexual marriage is the foundation of families and of Canadian society.
Said former Liberal MP Pat O’Brien, “The Statistics Canada report, ‘Till death do us part?’, confirms that Canadians overwhelmingly support the institution of marriage as the union of one man and one woman not just in public policy, but in how they live their lives.”
According to the “StatCan” report, “most Canadians marry once and only once, and less than 1% walk down the aisle more than twice, according to a new study.” The Statistics Canada study was based on data from the General Social Survey in 2001 that looked at married life in Canada and “risk factors affecting the success or failure of a marriage.”
The risk factors included:
TM“The age of the bride and groom, the length of the marriage itself and the strength of an individual’s commitment to the institution. In fact, this commitment to marriage as a source of happiness was a key factor associated with marital collapse, the study concluded.
TM“In the case of a first marriage, people who believed that marriage was not very important if they were to be happy ran a risk of failure that was three times as high as that among people who deemed it very important.
TM“In the case of subsequent marriages, this risk of failure was also nearly three times higher among people who felt marriage was not very important for their happiness.
TM“In fact, Canadians who had taken their vows more than twice were significantly less likely to report to the GSS that being married was either important or very important to their happiness.”
According to StatCan, just over 16.6 million people aged 25 and over were legally married at some point in their life in 2001. Of these, nearly 14.8 million people, or 89%, were married once.
“The Statistics Canada report shows that most Canadians by far take marriage as a union for life of one man and one woman excluding all others. Just as importantly, the report shows that when marriage is not taken as a life commitment of one man and one woman, that it is likely to fail,” added Mr. O’Brien.
For the report, please go to:Â