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Wilton Cardinal Gregory at Outreach 2024 LGBT conferenceFacebook

(LifeSiteNews) — In what one prominent LGBT activist called a “watershed moment” for baptized “lesbian, gay, transgender, and queer” professed Catholics, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., held a prayer service for the pro-LGBT Catholic organization Dignity Washington.

While Gregory spent most of his 1,600-word discussing the challenges believers face in maintaining their faith in a fractured Christian world – especially as scandals have rocked Catholicism – he reserved his comments aimed specifically at “LGBTQ Catholics” until the end.

“There is no room for religious bigotry that is largely fueled by lack of knowledge and ignorance on the part of peoples who may call themselves religious but whose behavior violates the basic tenets of most of the great faith traditions of the world,” Gregory read from his prepared remarks at the prayer service.

Rather than preach the Gospel or issue a call to repentance to those who likely engage in sodomy, Gregory chose to offer a rambling apology to those he believes have been unjustly hurt by the Church’s clear teaching on the complementarity of man and woman, and the obvious truths of natural law.

“I apologize for my own failure to emulate Christ’s compassion,” Gregory said. “The way that we have treated our (so-called) LGBTQ brothers and sisters has brought them tears and too many of us disgrace.”

“I apologize from the heart for the hurt that has resulted in the loss of so many of our family members who belong to God no less than I do,” Gregory said.

“I apologize not only for those whose past actions have scandalized and wounded these men and women,” said Gregory, concluding, “I apologize for my own lack of courage to bring healing and hope, and I ask forgiveness.”

Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry (NWM), a dissident pro-LGBT group presenting itself as a Catholic organization, told the LGBT-oriented Washington Blade, “I think Cardinal Gregory’s remarks are a watershed moment in the relationship between the Archdiocese of Washington and the (so-called) LGBTQ+ community.”

“I am hopeful this will set an example for other bishops to embrace Dignity communities across the U.S.,” she said.

NWM was officially condemned by the Vatican in 1999, and in 2010, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) declared that NWMhas no approval or recognition from the Catholic Church” to speak on the LGBT issue.

“His homily was exceptional,” enthused Peter Daly, a retired Catholic priest who is a member of the LGBT Dignity organization’s Washington chapter, according to the Blade.

“I’ve never heard an archbishop or a cardinal, and I’ve heard a lot of them, say and offer an apology not only on behalf of himself but on behalf of the church and other hierarchs for the way the (so-called) LGBTQ community has been treated,” Daly added.

In 2023, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò issued a searing condemnation of Gregory:

For years – ever since he was Archbishop of Atlanta – Wilton Daniel Gregory has been abusing his power to promote the homosexual agenda, much to the scandal of the Catholic faithful. His monomaniacal fixation on the vice against nature earned him the sacred purple (i.e., the cardinalate) and appointment to the See of Washington, D.C., a worthy heir to McCarrick and Wuerl, thus confirming that betrayal of Christ’s teaching is regarded in Bergoglio’s Vatican as a prerequisite for an ecclesiastical career.

It is not surprising that Cardinal Gregory is a follower of James Martin, S.J., whose recent sacrilegious remarks on devotion to the Sacred Heart have aroused indignation in the ecclesial body and prompted the organization of a reparatory procession on June 16, 2023, at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.

The January 22 event was held at the Jesuit-run Holy Trinity Catholic Church, arguably the most effete liberal Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of Washington.

It’s no wonder why Cardinal Gregory would choose Holy Trinity parish to address the 80 or so members of Dignity who showed up to hear him speak: it’s a place where someone like Father James Martin, S.J. – the chief promoter of the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism within Catholicism – can count on receiving a standing ovation from a church packed with adoring fans.

It has also been the location of so-called “Pride Masses.” In June 2023, Viganò condemned Cardinal Gregory’s silence for one such Mass held at Holy Trinity as a “betrayal of Christ’s teaching.”

Located just outside Georgetown University’s main gate and ensconced in the fashionable neighborhood by the same name, the parish draws well-heeled Catholic elites – who deem their own neighborhood parishes too “conservative,” too “rigid” – from tony suburbs around the city.

“These performative ‘apologies’ serve only to undermine the teaching & authority of the Church in order to be accepted by fashionable elites. It does nothing to rescue souls from damnation,” noted Eric Sammons, editor-in-chief of Crisis Magazine.

“Cardinal Gregory is sadly preaching the anti-Gospel,” Sammons said.

Standing in opposition to Cardinal Gregory’s apologetic remarks to the Dignity crowd, the Catholic Church unequivocally condemns homosexual acts.

“Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved,” the Catechism of the Catholic Church states.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is equally clear on what constitutes a family, stating, “A man and a woman united in marriage, together with their children, form a family. This institution is prior to any recognition by public authority, which has an obligation to recognize it.”

