Cardinal Mahony Honors Pro-Abortion “Catholic” Clinton Campaign Manager
LOS ANGELES, September 16, 2005 ( – The annual service award for the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles is billed as rewards for “long and distinguished records of service,” according to the Los Angeles diocesan newspaper, the Tidings. Roger Cardinal Mahony, the Archbishop of Los Angeles, chose to include among this year’s recipients attorney William M. Wardlaw, “a parishioner of Holy Family Church in South Pasadena.”
Wardlaw, according to the diocesan newspaper, is a “business executive who has served on numerous school and organization boards in the archdiocese including Catholic Charities.” What is not mentioned is that Wardlaw is also a major power broker in the state Democratic Party and distinguished himself as President Clinton’s California point man during the 1992 and 1996 campaigns.
Wardlaw’s wife, the Honorable Kim McLane Wardlaw, was appointed judge to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by Clinton and served on the Clinton-Gore Presidential Transition Team. Mrs. Wardlaw has also been the recipient of prestigious awards including one from the rabidly pro-abortion anti-family organization National Organization of Women.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Wardlaw are members of the elite “F.O.B.,” club (Friends of Bill [Clinton]), and have been guests of the Clintons in the Lincoln bedroom. William Wardlaw was appointed by Mahony in 1999 to the committee raising funds to pay for the diocese’s massive new concrete Cathedral, mocked by Catholic commentators as the “Taj Mahony.”
Clinton will be remembered as the Abortion President and his administration as one of the most scandal-plagued periods of US presidential history. During Bill Clinton’s presidency, the Democratic Party became synonymous with abortion advocacy, both domestically and in overseas eugenic population control programmes. Bill and Hillary Clinton are seen as heroes by the abortion movement.
Anglican scholar and historian, Philip Jenkins, in his 2003 book, The New Anti-Catholicism, identifies the close connection between the US Catholic hierarchy and the Democratic Party as a source of what he calls, “liberal anti-Catholicism,” which he says has in many cases created an insoluble conflict of interest pitting the bishops against their Church. As the Democrats become more and more the “party of abortion” and gay “rights,” the Catholic bishops who continue to support them, says Jenkins, since Roosevelt’s leftist “New Deal,” are more and more at odds with the moral and social tenets of the Catholic Church.
This conflict became blatant during the Bush/Kerry presidential race when few US bishops were willing to speak out against John Kerry’s militantly pro-abortion policies.
Mahony’s decision to grant awards to one of Clinton’s most intimate supporters flies directly in the face of a declaration to which he was signatory – 2004’s “Catholics in Political Life.” That document states, “The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions.”
Mahony’s record as Archbishop of Los Angeles is itself a litany of financial, sexual and political scandals that has raised a clamour from pro-life organizations and Catholic groups demanding his resignation. Homosexual lobbyists had reason to celebrate when in June 2004 the Cardinal ordained proudly active homosexual, Eric Stoltz, as a deacon.
Read related coverage:
Homosexual Activists Disturb Masses, Some Denied Communion, Some Steal It Anyway
Cardinal Mahony’s Cathedral Guards Remove and Threaten Pro-life Youth During Honours for Pro-abort Mayor
Read L.A. Catholic blog for information on Eric Stoltz ordination: