December 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – “(It) was a certain anticipation. Nobody knows what the official result of the U.S. election (is),” Cardinal Gerhard Müller told LifeSiteNews in reference to Pope Francis prematurely congratulating Joe Biden last month as the winner of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
Speaking with LifeSite co-founder and editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen in an exclusive interview, Müller also expressed “hope” that during the Pope’s phone call with Biden that he spoke with the former vice president about “abortion, which is murder of innocent babies, creatures of God, children of God,” since “that is very important, not the matter of politics, but the matter of morals and the basics of our anthropology. Everybody has his life by God, and nobody has the right to kill another person.”
The former Prefect ofthe Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith consolidated the Catholic position in simple terms: “We as Catholics must not vote for politicians who are in favor of abortion or euthanasia or other movements against life. Life is given by God and the life of everyone is holy.”
But Müller’s hopes that Francis did “admonish (Biden), to go on the line of the Catholic faith,” may be wishful thinking. In a press release from the Biden-Harris campaign after the Pope’s phone call with Biden, the Democrat’s handlers stated that Francis extended his “blessings and congratulations,” after which Biden expressed his own “desire to work together (with Francis) on the basis of a shared belief in the dignity and equality of all humankind.”
Although a baptized Catholic, Biden is a fervent supporter of legal abortion. Archbishop Charles Chaput recently wrote in First Things that “(by) his actions during the course of his public life, Mr. Biden has demonstrated that he is not in full communion with the Catholic Church,” and that “many of his actions and words have also supported or smoothed the way for grave moral evils in our public life that have resulted in the destruction of millions of innocent lives.” Chaput noted that “Mr. Biden has said that he will continue to advance those same policies as president, and thus should not receive Holy Communion.”
During the course of the phone call between Biden and Francis, the Biden campaign reported that the two talked about “addressing the crisis of climate change, and welcoming and integrating immigrants and refugees into our communities.”
Müller said the Pope emphasized the wrong things. “That is a primacy of secondary things and not the most important things,” he said. The cardinal went on to explain that “to speak about God and Jesus Christ as the savior of everybody, of eternal life, (these) are the main points for the Catholic Church.”
“Jesus didn’t found the Church for speaking about things which are of secondary importance, but of the main importance, and that is that everybody will live in grace and will come to the eternal life,” the cardinal said, adding, “that is the mission of the Catholic Church.”
“The Pope and the bishops have this mission by means of the sacramental ordination: to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to mediate the grace in the sacraments.”
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