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Cardinal Gerhard MüllerFranco Origlia/Getty Images

(LifeSiteNews) — The Synod on Synodality is being tightly controlled and used to prepare Catholics to accept homosexuality and women’s ordination, Cardinal Gerhard Müller said, blasting pro-homosexual ideology as “the spirit of the Antichrist.”

The former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made his latest scathing comments about the synod and heterodoxy in the Church in an interview with the National Catholic Register on Friday, the same day that he published an essay in First Things warning that a pope would “automatically” lose his office by teaching heresy.

READ: Cardinal Müller: Pope would ‘automatically’ lose his office by teaching heresy

Cardinal Müller, who was named a synod delegate by Pope Francis, said that “everything” in the event was “pre-organized” by its heterodox leadership and run like a “low-level, seminary seminar,” where knowledgeable bishops were sidelined in favor of ideological speakers. 

“Some speakers said we must be open to the Holy Spirit, but the voices of the Holy Spirit were the persons invited to speak to the assembly. These were the voices of the Holy Spirit, as if we were beginners in the study of theology,” the cardinal said, noting that he was only allowed to address the assembly once, for three minutes.

Doctrine was mentioned “only at the tables,” in small-group discussions, and “only for a few minutes,” he related.

“It’s not in reality a Synod of Bishops but more like an Anglican understanding of a synod, with three chambers according to a worldly parliament,” he said. “This is not the Catholic Church.”

Cardinal Müller recounted that some speakers talked of “openness” and defined tradition as “not static,” but “dynamic.” 

“But in the end, all of these so-called synodal reflections are aimed at preparing us to accept homosexuality,” he stated. “Only this: What wasn’t spoken about was Jesus Christ [or] divine Revelation, the grace of human persons created according to the image and likeness of God, and of God as the goal of our human existence.”

“All is being turned around so that now we must be open to homosexuality and the ordination of women. If you analyze it, all is about converting us to these two themes.”

“All is being turned around so that now we must be open to homosexuality and the ordination of women. If you analyze it, all is about converting us to these two themes.”

READ: Pro-LGBT priest at Synod retreat: Women oppressed by the ‘patriarchy’ should be ‘in the center’ of the Church

Cardinal Müller noted how one assigned speaker, “who is influenced by this ‘LGBT’ ideology, spoke of a relative who was bisexual, who committed suicide, and the conclusion was that the Church must be open, not to these persons but to the ideology.”

“The ideology is to blame for this,” he said. “But we cannot resolve theological questions and problems through emotion. This is only speaking emotionally about the Holy Spirit, and we were told we mustn’t make controversies, that speaking [strongly] against anything isn’t possible or one is stigmatized as an enemy of the Holy Spirit.”

But synod speakers are “abusing the Holy Spirit” by pointing to Him to legitimize heretical opinions in favor of homosexual acts and same-sex “blessings,” Cardinal Müller charged.

“St. Paul, for example, spoke against homosexuality, but they say, ‘We have our new insights, revealed by the Holy Spirit,’ and so from now on homosexual acts or the blessing of homosexual acts are a good thing. That is their idea,” he said. 

“It’s abusing the Holy Spirit in order to introduce doctrines that are openly against Holy Scripture.” 

The German prelate also warned that the synod is being used to “overturn the hierarchical governance of the Church.”

Some participants, he said, “have this image of an ‘inverted pyramid’ of governance, but at the center of this pyramid is the personal will of the Pope, and of his advisers and collaborators. This can be an image for making clear to children, but a ‘pyramid’ or ‘polyhedron’ is not a biblical image of the Church.”

LGBT ideology is ‘the spirit of the Antichrist speaking through’ synod participants

While synod leaders “don’t say openly what they mean,” Cardinal Müller said, they are promoting “a new hermeneutic” in an attempt to reconcile pro-LGBT heterodoxy with divine revelation. 

Top synod organizers have flirted with LGBT ideology throughout the synodal process. The general secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Mario Grech, has hinted at openness to same-sex “blessings,” and his undersecretary, Sister Nathalie Becquart, gave a lecture to the heretical LGBT activist group New Ways Ministry last year.

Other officials have been more explicit about their pro-LGBT sympathies: Synod relator general Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, S.J., has said that Catholic teaching against sodomy is “false” and that it is “dubious” for the Church to call homosexuality “intrinsically disordered.” 

READ: Pope Francis picks notorious pro-LGBT clerics to participate in October Synod on Synodality

The synod’s Instrumentum Laboris pushes for “concrete steps” to “welcome” so-called “LGBTQ+ people,” and one theme discussed at the synod was “love [sic] among gay couples.”

“They cannot say openly, ‘We want to contradict the Word of God.’ But they are introducing a new hermeneutic with which they want to reconcile the Word of God with these ideologies – anti-Christian ideologies,” Cardinal Müller said, adding that “their trick is to mix pastoral care for these persons with this anti-Christian ideology.”

“But we cannot reconcile Christ and the Antichrist,” he stressed. “This homosexual, ‘LGBT’ ideology is, at its center, an anti-Christian ideology. It’s the spirit of the Antichrist speaking through them.”

“This homosexual, ‘LGBT’ ideology is, at its center, an anti-Christian ideology. It’s the spirit of the Antichrist speaking through them.”

“It is absolutely against creation,” he said.

“We, the Church, are the only ones who respect the dignity of everybody, of sinners, of persons with problems in every sphere. But the solution to these problems is the way of Jesus Christ,” he insisted.

Some at the synod, however, are “changing the definition of sins,” Cardinal Müller stated. “They don’t believe in original sin, or sin as an act. They don’t deny it theoretically, but practically.” 

For those participants, it is as if “Christ is wounding us,” he said. “If I am stealing your money and you call me a thief, for them, it’s you who are wounding me.”

Synod on Synodality heading toward ‘Agenda 2030’

The prelate also pointed to Pope Francis regularly meeting with members of the LGBT movement and “the abortion party,” which he said reflects the Church moving toward conformity with the U.N.’s globalist, pro-LGBT “Agenda 2030.”

Asked where he thinks the Synod on Synodality is heading, Cardinal Müller said, “I think the goal is to make the Church conform more with this international Agenda 2030. And we’ve seen [this] in the politics of who is invited to publicly visit the Pope.”

“They’re not normal families with five children – they are never invited. No, they’re usually bisexuals, transsexuals, and so on, and this is all a provocation – there’s all this propaganda,” he said. “No orthodox bishops are shown meeting him, but the abortion party, they are always there.”

READ: Pope Francis meets with pro-abortion, pro-LGBT Sister Jeannine Gramick

The cardinal noted that Jesus told the apostles “to go out to all the world, to everybody, but make them disciples, teach them the faith, and baptize them if they are accepting the faith.”

“That means going to the whole world – not inviting the world in and letting everyone be what they want to be,” he concluded.


Archbishop slams Synod on Synodality for contradicting Church Tradition, pushing ‘globalist Agenda 2030’

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