TORONTO, April 25, 2002 ( – Catholic Civil Rights League members witnessed two men in their mid 20’s dressed up as Catholic priests jumping around on the corner outside the CTV studios for the Mike Bullard show last night. Later last night, the episode of Open Mike with Mike Bullard used the seriously damaging Boston pedophile priest scandal and related it to the recent Vatican meeting to further shame Catholics and defame Catholic priests.
The actors who were seen earlier were being used in Bullard’s words, to “scare away kids that were hanging around the building.” The two actors mocking priests in public were also used many other times throughout the show and prior to going to commercials in various ways to depict various scenarios. In one scene they were “luring people in with bags of candy and lollypops.” In another spot they were shown playing musical instruments for money on the same street corner.
The exchange between Orin (band leader) and Mike Bullard went as follows at the beginning of the show:
ORIN: How did you get rid of those guys who were hanging around outside?
BULLARD: Oh you mean those guys who were terrorizing people coming in and going out of the building?
ORIN: Yeah
BULLARD: They were trouble, I mean trouble.. But I got rid of them the best way I know how.
(Camera cuts to outside and standing looking around all alone on the corner of Yonge and Davenport are what appear to be two Catholic priests wearing large crosses around their necks)
BULLARD: I hired a couple Catholic priests and there hasn’t been a kid around for ten blocks. (Audience laughter and applause.)
More on this story as it develops.