(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland calls on more bishops to speak out in defense of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s decision to ban Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion.
Including Bishop Strickland himself, only 14 bishops have openly stood by Archbishop Cordileone and his pastoral decision to prevent Pelosi from receiving Communion, an act of love undertaken out of concern for her soul.
“We should be united,” Bishop Strickland says. “But unity starts in Jesus Christ, and if it starts there, then we will be united in all of the basic issues. And one of the most basic is the sanctity of life, and the most basic issue with the sanctity of life is the sanctity of the life of the unborn.”
“It needs to be the vast majority of the bishops in unison. That’s where our unity is,” His Excellency adds. “And if we’re not united on that … then all the other unity that we might accomplish or might worry about really isn’t significant.”
Watch this week’s episode by scrolling up to the video above by clicking here.
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