October 31, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A nationwide campaign has been launched calling on people of faith to join together to protect religious liberties in America. The petition campaign, spearheaded by the group Catholic Advocate, includes the web video entitled “Common Ground” and a petition calling on President Obama to live up to his promises made at the University of Notre Dame.
Obama had told Notre Dame graduates in May 2009: “Let’s honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion, and draft a sensible conscience clause, and make sure that all of our health care policies are grounded in clear ethics and sound science, as well as respect for the equality of women.”
However, regulations announced recently by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius as part of the new health law will mandate that private insurers cover sterilizations and FDA-approved birth control, including drugs that function by causing early abortions, without co-pay.
Additionally, in February 2011 Obama repealed a conscience regulation dating from the Bush administration that protected the conscience rights of health care providers opposed to providing abortifacient contraception, such as the Plan-B “morning-after” pill.
Catholic Advocate also the Obama administration’s refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, and the lifting of the ban on embryonic stem cell research.
“President Obama has failed us,” said Catholic Advocate President Deal Hudson. “Without action, words are just words.”
Hudson’s organization says is asking the millions of men and women of faith across the country to demand that President Obama live up to his promises delivered at Notre Dame.
“No other president in American history has so blatantly chipped away at our religious liberties,” said Catholic Advocate Vice President Matt Smith.
“From refusing to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, continuing to allow taxpayer dollars to go towards abortion providing organizations like Planned Parenthood, to lifting the ban on stem cell research, stripping conscience protections for health care workers, and refusing to meet with or respond to our Catholic Bishops’ concerns, this president has made it clear that he does not care that his far-left agenda is undermining our right to religious freedom. This isn’t just a Catholic issue; it’s a religious liberty issue that affects all Americans of faith.”
To view the video and petition visit here.