OTTAWA, April 20, 2007 ( – The Catholic Civil Rights League has announced that it is once again co-sponsoring the annual March for Life, to take place in Ottawa May 9 to 11. The 10th annual event will include a Mass, candlelight vigil and the Rose Dinner as well as the march to Parliament Hill the afternoon of May 10.
The League has worked hard on such civil rights issues as the definition of marriage, freedom of religion and freedom of expression. The right to life from conception to natural death is the most fundamental of civil rights. In a press release, the League described this week’s US Supreme Court decision, in support of legislation to limit partial birth abortions, as “an encouraging sign that small steps can be made toward restoring respect for the dignity of all human life at every stage.”
“Canada stands alone in the Western world in having no abortion law whatsoever. The League hopes that events such as March for Life will help draw attention to the need to establish protection for the unborn,” concluded the release.
See the official March for Life webpage here: