Monday April 26, 2010
Catholic Loyola Marymount University Announces Pro-Abortion 2010 Commencement Speakers
By James Tillman
April 26, 2010 ( – Loyola Marymount University, a Jesuit institution in Los Angeles, has announced that Deval Patrick, the current governor of Massachusetts, and Marlene Canter, former member of the Los Angeles Unified School District board, will be speaking at their 2010 commencement; both are on record as being in favor of abortion and homosexual “marriage.”
Deval Patrick, who served as Assistant Attorney General during the Clinton administration, worked to prevent a referendum eliminating same-sex “marriage” from coming before the people while governor of Massachusetts. His campaign website boasts that he “helped lead the fight to keep discrimination out of the Massachusetts constitution and preserved the right of same-sex couples to marry in Massachusetts.”
In 2007 he signed a bubble-zone measure that prohibited pro-life counselors from coming closer to abortion clinics than thirty-five feet.
Marlene Canter, similarly, called the legalization of same-sex “marriage” an “issue of simple fairness and basic human rights.”
She continued: “We have an obligation to educate every student and support every family in this District – we can not stand by while the right to marry for all is threatened.”
She has also opposed a parental notification abortion law, and even gave over $10,000 dollars to help elect President Obama.
A request for comment from Loyola had not been returned at press time.
Loyola Law School has previously had California Attorney General Bill Lockyer as commencement speaker. Lockyer had attacked a federal law signed by President Bush that denied federal funding to states that discriminate against health organizations that do not provide abortions or abortion referrals.
To respectfully contact Loyola Marymount University’s President:
Loyola Marymount University
Fr. Robert Lawton, S.J., President
[email protected]