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Cardinal Cristoph Schönborn at a Vatican press briefing, October 23, 2023Michael Haynes/LifeSiteNews

VIENNA (LifeSiteNews) — A Catholic family organization run by the Archdiocese of Vienna has published a commercial promoting homosexual relationships. 

At the end of October 2023, the Catholic Family Association Vienna (“katholischer Familienverband Wien”) posted a promotional video on social media, where different “types of families” are shown, including two depictions of homosexuals. One of the hashtags used for the video was the LGBT term “rainbow family” (“Regenbogenfamilie”). 

The captions underneath the photos featuring the pairs of homosexuals read “Live your family how you want” and “We are only strong if we are many.” 

LifeSiteNews has contacted the Catholic Family Association Vienna and the Archdiocese of Vienna to ask whether or not they see a contradiction between these depictions and the teaching of the Catholic Church. Neither has responded as of the time of writing this article. 

According to perennial Church teaching and natural law, marriage, the foundation of the family, is defined as a life-long union between one man or woman with the primary purpose of procreation and education of children. 

The Church also condemns homosexual acts as gravely sinful and contrary to nature. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states: 

Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. (CCC 2357) 

Austrian Catholic activist Alexander Tschugguel told LifeSiteNews that many so-called “Catholic” organizations are “Catholic in name only.” 

“Many associations that have existed for decades or sometimes even over a century and bear the name Catholic have gradually drifted away from the Catholic faith over the last few decades to such an extent that it is no longer at all surprising when they do something like this,” he said. 

“Unfortunately, this also includes this so-called Catholic family association, which, like the ‘Catholic Youth,’ calls itself Catholic but has nothing to do with it,” Tschugguel continued. 

“The only difference is that they can now do it semi-supported by a strange document [Fiducia Supplicans] from the Congregation [Dicastery] for the Doctrine of the Faith… from a cardinal that we know has written perverse literature.” 

READ: Scandalous book on orgasms surfaces from Cardinal Fernández 

The worst thing about this case, Tschugguel said, is that these “leftists” can publish such a video promoting homosexuality “without any major opposition from the hierarchy.” 

“And that’s why I would, of course, like His Eminence Cardinal Schönborn to take an unequivocal stance against it, even if I personally don’t expect it will happen,” he concluded. 

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has been the Archbishop of Vienna since 1995. 

READ: Cardinal Schönborn’s Vienna archdiocese promotes theologian who opposes Church on gender ideology 

