
By John-Henry Westen

WATERLOO, Ontario, November 2, 2007 ( – The Family Life Advisory Committee (FLAC) of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) met last night to consider objections to a pro-homosexual teacher resource manual which were raised by the local group Defend Traditional Marriage and Family (DTMF).  Despite a petition signed by nearly 500 Catholic parents opposing the book, FLAC decided to retain “Open Minds to Equality” in an 11-5 vote.
  Page 16 of the book states: “The heterosexism in our society fosters homophobia, the fear and hatred of homosexuality which is grounded in prejudice and stereotyping.” The book provides role play and group activities which train children into viewing the homosexual lifestyle as normal and natural.

  Of note, at the meeting one of the members, asked if students in the Catholic schools of the board are taught “that homosexual acts” are sinful.  The response from the board committee was “no.”

  DTMF communications director Jack Fonseca told he was disappointed with the decision. “In our view, this decision is a betrayal of Catholic parents,” he said. “They sent their kids to a Christian school for the express purpose of helping them form an authentic Catholic faith. And that faith includes the Church’s teaching on sexual morality.”

  Fonseca explained, “Allowing the continuation of a resource that may have the effect of normalizing homosexual behaviour is an astonishingly un-Catholic decision. It’s disrespectful to the founder of the Catholic Church.”

  The committee’s recommendation now goes to the Director of the Board of Education Roger Lawler for his decision on the matter which will be presented to the Board on November 26.

  Lawler told that he has not yet decided on the matter and will make his decision in the following weeks.

  Asked if he knew about the teaching in schools regarding homosexual acts being sinful Lawler replied, “I’m not going to comment on that because I wasn’t there for the context of the question.”

  In a procedures memorandum to another board committee, Lawler spoke of legitimate differences of opinion on matters of “faith and morals”.  “Faith and one’s understanding of faith is not static. As we learned and have been taught as a Post-Vatican II people, we are a Church with rich diversity,” he wrote.  Adding: “Diversity also can bring about differences of opinion in areas like theology, faith, and morals. This is natural and healthy for a living, dynamic Church.”(see the memo here: To respectfully voice concerns:

His Excellence Bishop Anthony Tonnos
  700 King St. W.
  Hamilton, ON L8P 1C7
  Phone: (905) 528-7988
  Fax: (905) 528-1088

Auxiliary Bishop Gerard Bergie
  Phone: (905) 528-7988
  Fax: (905) 528-1088

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