By John-Henry Westen
KITCHENER, April 10, 2007 ( – Catholic schools in Ontario have books and videos in their libraries which promote homosexuality despite Church teaching that homosexuality is disordered.
After being alerted by a concerned Catholic teacher, Defend Traditional Marriage & Family, a pro-family group headquartered in Kitchener, contacted the local Catholic school board to alert them to the fact that some of its schools have in their libraries books and videos misleading Catholic students and teachers on the issue of homosexuality.
On March 26, the family group’s Communications Director Jack Fonseca wrote the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) informing them of the book “Open Minds to Equality: A Sourcebook of Learning Activities to Affirm Diversity and Promote Equity”, in the Teacher resource section of a library.
Page 16 of the book states: “The heterosexism in our society fosters homophobia, the fear and hatred of homosexuality which is grounded in prejudice and stereotyping.” The book provides role play and group activities which train children into viewing the homosexual lifestyle as normal and natural.
The letter to the Catholic school district asks, “If one were to argue that exposing Catholic children to the existence of homosexual households is necessary, shouldn’t Catholic teaching on homosexual practice and sexual morality be the engine for that lesson?”
Catholic teaching however is quite the opposite of what is presented in the book. On the subject, the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches: “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.” ( see the text from the Vatican here: )
Accompanying the letter from Defend Traditional Marriage & Family was a petition from parents who have children in the Catholic school system who were concerned with the find and were seeking the removal of the materials contradicting Catholic moral teaching.
In response to the letter and petition, the WCDSB Director of Education Roger Lawler responded with a letter informing the pro-family group that the Open Minds “book was approved for use as a teacher resource by the Board’s Family Life Advisory Committee in the late 1990’s.” The school board letter added however, “I am forwarding your letter to the Family Life Advisory Committee for review and a recommendation.”
Fonseca commented to saying, “Although we’re dismayed that a grossly inappropriate resource ever made it into the Catholic school system, we are very pleased that the School Board has agreed to reconsider the book.”
The Director of Communications for the pro-family group added, “Catholic parents tell us the reason they send their children to Catholic schools is to learn the authentic Catholic faith. They certainly do not want Catholic moral teaching to be undermined. We are hopeful the School Board will respect the wishes of Catholic parents.”
The group has also discovered other homosexuality promoting materials in various Catholic schools in the board. “Out: stories of lesbian and gay youth” a pro-gay video directed by David Adkin is available at some Catholic schools in the board, as is “Rainbow boys” a fictional novel by Alex Sanchez about “coming out”.
With regard to the teacher’s manual which was the subject of his letter to the board, Fonseca concluded, “This book is promoted and sold on the website of one of the largest gay-activist organizations in the United States, the GLSEN (Gay-Lesbian-Straight-Education-Network). It reinforces the fact that the book serves as propaganda for the radical gay-agenda which seeks to create acceptance for the gay lifestyle as a natural, morally-acceptable alternative. We hope, with proper reflection, that the School Board will agree to remove the book. We’re very pleased that they’ve agreed to re-examine the book, as a first step.”
To politely express concerns:
Wayne Buchholtz
Chair of the Trustees
[email protected]
519 578 3660 ext 2286
Cathy Sweeny
Chair of the Family Life and Human Sexuality Advisory Committee
[email protected]
Director of Education
[email protected]