TORONTO, Ontario, June 30, 2011 ( – A new youth lobby group aimed at getting so-called ‘gay-straight alliances’ (GSAs) into Ontario’s Catholic schools will push their campaign by marching in Sunday’s Toronto Pride parade.
“Pride is an excellent way to get the message across to the community, the government, and the Catholic School system that there is a want and a need for gay-straight alliances in Catholic Schools,” said Leanne Iskander, spokesperson for ‘Catholic Students for GSAs.’
Iskander and her fellow students are hoping to raise awareness of their cause at Toronto Pride in order to mold ‘Catholic Students for GSAs’ into a coalition.
Though billed as “family-friendly,” the annual Toronto Pride parade has often been labeled by pro-family advocates as a “sex parade,” as it regularly features people walking down the streets semi-nude or completely naked, and homosexuals engaging in public sex acts.
Iskander, the head of a homosexual club dubbed an “unofficial” gay-straight alliance, at St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School in Mississauga, will march Sunday as one of two ‘grand marshals.’
Leading homosexual groups, including Egale, Queer Ontario, and the homosexual magazine Xtra!, have backed her campaign in favor of GSAs, which began in March.
On June 16, Pride Toronto named Iskander their ‘LGBTQ Youth of the Year’ for her efforts to advance the homosexual agenda within the Catholic schools.
“At the provincial level, GSAs are still banned in Catholic schools, but thanks to Leanne and other GSA students, Catholic schools may be forced to end the ban by September,” Pride Toronto wrote in a news release.
Iskander’s club has managed to retain support from the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, which has allowed them to operate under the less-controversial name “Open Arms.”