
SAN FRANCISCO, December 6, 2002 ( – Just hours after LifeSite released the story on the Catholic Jesuit University of San Francisco website links to abortion services, the webpage in question was altered.

The pregnancy website aimed at students, which had linked to a Planned Parenthood abortuary, now says: “This portion of the web site is currently being reviewed. For pregnancy information or resources, please contact the Student Health Education Program at 422-6702 or the Counseling Center at 422-6352.”  Prior to the LifeSite release of the story, LifeSite alerted the California Pro-Life Council a California affiliate of National Right to Life and other pro-lifers who notified the university of their displeasure.  Hilary White of Campaign Life Catholic commented to LifeSite saying: “It is important for organizations using the name Catholic to remember that pro-life activism has an effect and therefore they must live up to the high moral standards demanded by the faith the name stands for.”  See the LifeSite coverage:  CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO PROVIDES ABORTION REFERRALS ON WEBSITE

See the altered website: