December 5, 2011 ( – Foreign organizations with an abortionist agenda are pressuring South American countries to legalize the deadly practice, Catholic Church representatives told the government in recent Senate hearings on the topic.
The Senate is considering a bill to eliminate criminal penalties for abortions in the country, a legislative initiate inspired by the population control agenda of the Rockefeller Foundation and other wealthy foundations, the senators were told.
A representative of the Family and Life Ministry of the Uruguayan Episcopal Conference told the Senate Public Health committee that “these days, very few people are ignorant of the existence of international interests in favor of imposing abortion on countries.”
“There are international foundations behind these pressures like the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and many more (…) who see world population growth as a security problem,” said Gabriela López, secretary of the episcopal conference.
Similar initiatives are being introduced in legislatures across the region, noted Lopez.
“Today it is Uruguay’s turn. Sadly, this type of bill is not a local initiative of some legislators but rather one of the strategies promoted internationally by institutions that seek to deceive the people and the legislators, and induce them to approve one thing thinking they are approving another,” Lopez said.
“The true objective of these strategies is not the promotion of women. Adhering to these programs means subjecting ourselves to foreign interests that are increasingly well-known by everyone, and that, in the medium run, only serve to weaken the popular base itself,” she added.
The bill under consideration would eliminate all penalties for abortions during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, while continuing to legally prohibit it. The measure is generally supported by the socialist Broad Front, which currently dominates Uruguayan politics, and opposed by the more conservative Red Party.
See related documents:
* LifeSiteNews most downloaded document of all time: The Inherent Racism of Population Control
* Steve Jalsevac talk presented in Mexico this year: Understanding The Crucial International Dimensions of the war against Life and Family
* Special LSN page on NSSM, declassified Henry Kissinger document for President Richard Nixon