DUBLIN, Ireland, August 23, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Faithful Catholics are launching a counter-revolution in Ireland this week against “errant shepherds” within the church, says Lumen Fidei Institute founder Anthony Murphy.
“Let's turn to God. Let's ignore these errant shepherds and let's call them out and name them and pray for good shepherds,” said Murphy during his August 22 opening remarks at the “Conference of Catholic Families,” an alternate conference to the currently running World Meeting of Families (WMOF) organized by the Vatican.
“This is what we've started this week here in Ireland, the counter-revolution against the enemies inside the church,” he said.
The conference, hosted by the Lumen Fidei Institute, was organized by Catholics to promote the Catholic Church’s constant and unchanging teaching on marriage and family life. Speakers at the event include Cardinal Raymond Burke (video address), Fr. Thomas Weinandy, Dr. Robert Royal, Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg, LifeSiteNews' John-Henry Westen, John Smeaton, Edward Pentin, Bishop Athanasius Schneider (video address), and others.
The idea for the Conference of Catholic Families arose after WMOF organizers made it clear that homosexuality was to be portrayed positively at the event.
Program material for the “catechesis and faith education” period in the run-up to the WMOF explicitly portrayed homosexual couples as an appropriate form of the Christian family.
A video put out by the Irish bishops to prepare families for the WMOF also contained an interview with an LGBT activist who said she’s “upset” with Catholic teaching on homosexuality.
Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, who is overseeing the WMOF, said the event would be “an inclusive event, open to all families.”
Indeed, Vatican advisor and pro-LGBT Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin told participants at the WMOF today that homosexuals and their families must be welcomed into parishes and “invited into parish ministries” specifically mentioning them becoming “eucharistic ministers.” He called on Catholics to be advocates for homosexuals.
READ: Fr. James Martin tells Vatican meeting: Invite LGBT to be Eucharistic ministers
Drawing upon Scripture, Murphy reminded the faithful during his talk of God's instructions to the prophet Ezekiel regarding bad shepherds.
In chapter 34 of that book, God instructs the prophet to warn the spiritual leaders of Israel they are headed for disaster because they have been feeding their own appetites and not tending to the people in their charge.
“Look, I am against the shepherds,” God states in Ezekiel 3410-11. “I shall take my flock out of their charge and henceforth not allow them to feed my flock. And the shepherds will stop feeding themselves, because I shall rescue my sheep from their mouths to stop them from being food for them.”
Murphy noted that this passage was from the readings for Mass on the day of the opening of the WMOF.
“Now, isn’t that prophetic,” he said.
That biblical passage closes with God promising that He will Himself take care of His people.