June 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — In this episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, the bishop of Tyler, Texas, calls on Christians in America to pay attention to the persecution of Catholic priests, bishops, and faithful in China. He also discusses the teachings of the Church on sexual morality, and whether proclaiming the truths of the faith on homosexuality and gender ideology is “too judgemental.”
His Excellency says that speaking out for persecuted Christians in Communist China today is not a popular or politically correct message to share. In a recent tweet, Strickland called for “support of these faithful men who are enduring persecution,” after a report said that Vatican-approved bishops, priests, and seminarians were arrested in a new crackdown.
We must speak in support of these faithful men who are enduring persecution….China arrests Vatican-approved bishop, priests, seminarians – UCA News https://t.co/AobNSD7sBZ
— Bishop J. Strickland (@Bishopoftyler) June 8, 2021
Bishop Strickland points out that persecution for spreading and proclaiming the faith could also come to other nations, and that Christians must always be prepared. He states that “freedom of religion is something that we kind of take for granted in this nation.” Catholics especially must “speak for the rights of the Church and the rights of humanity.”
Strickland also explains how the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s “has unfolded to the point where we are now … denying there is such a thing as sexual sin.” He describes how society has accepted as normal several distorted views of marriage, family, and sexuality. He reiterates that “any sexual activity that is not between a man and a woman committed in a lifelong relationship of marriage open to children is disordered.”
Lastly, Strickland says that Christians must always share and “judge the truth” — without judging the individual person. “The attitude in the world today” is not to search for and not to embrace objective truth.
To watch all previous episodes of The Bishop Strickland Show, click here to visit LifeSite’s Catholic Rumble page.