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Cardinal Blase CupichClaire Chretien / LifeSiteNews

(LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Blase Cupich has called the German bishops “good shepherds” who “act in the spirit of the Church” when asked about the heretical Synodal Way.  

In a recent interview with the German Catholic outlet, Cupich was asked about the German Syondal Way and said that he knows “a number of German bishops,” and that he believes they have “only the best intentions.” 

“These are good shepherds who do their best to listen to the voice of the faithful, to see their wishes and hopes,” the archbishop of Chicago stated. “I believe, with time, the project [the Synodal Way] will reach a good conclusion. The bishops are faithful to their mission to listen to the people, but also to act in the spirit of the Church. And they are faithful to the Holy Father.” 

When asked about blessings for same-sex relationships, Cupich gave an ambiguous answer. He said that “it is always important to treat people with respect.” 

“We do not want to spread the message that we exclude people or show them no respect,” he continued. “At the same time, we must ask ourselves: What exactly does it mean to bless a union? Is it blessing a friendship, a non-sacramental union? We need to clearly define what we mean by that. I don’t see that clarity in the Church at this point.”  

READ: German bishops’ head says same-sex ‘blessings’ will be implemented regardless of Vatican response 

Cupich did express some mild criticism for the Synodal Way, stressing that “if it indeed a kind of parliamentary process in which democratic votes are paramount, in which votes are counted and arguments are juxtaposed, then that would indeed be difficult to defend from the Catholic perspective.” 

He also spoke out against laypeople preaching homilies because “the proclamation of the Gospel and…the homily at Mass form a unity,” and preaching should therefore be reserved to the priest.  

However, Cupich failed to criticize any of the heretical documents approved by the majority of German bishops regarding the Church’s definitive moral teaching on homosexuality, women’s “ordinations”, and transgender ideology.  

READ: Cdl. Cupich to celebrate Mass for pro-LGBT group that dissents from Church teaching 

Ironically, Cupich invoked Sacred Tradition, stating that “we must also listen to the voice of Catholic tradition.” 

“The Christian author G.K. Chesterton once said: Tradition is the democracy of the dead,” he continued. “We must listen to the voice of the people in our time, but we must also take seriously the voice of the people who lived before us.” 

Cupich famously put heavy restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass in his diocese and banned the Institute of Christ the King from saying public Masses and hearing confessions in Chicago. 

Cdl. Cupich praises Pope Francis and Synod on Synodality 

In the interview with Cupich expressed his faith in Pope Francis and the heterodox Synod on Synodality. 

“I have great hopes for the synodal process of the universal Church,” the American bishop said. 

“We need to find ways to overcome the rifts between us that polarization in the world and the Church have torn open.” 

Cupich stressed that he has “faith in Pope Francis.”  

“The problem lies with the voices that contradict the Holy Father,” he claimed. “We must always remember that the Successor of Peter assures the unity of the Church, but also the viability of the community. Whoever opposes it runs the risk of causing a schism in the Church. This is also not faithful to the will of the Holy Spirit, represented by the voice of the Pope.” 

“For me, this pontificate is truly historic,” Cupich said. “History will look upon this time as a turning point in Church history, just as it did with Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council.” 

“I have great confidence in the course the Holy Father has taken. I know that there are critical voices, but they are few. They are loud, but they are not many,” he claimed. 


Pope Francis praises Fr. James Martin’s pro-LGBT advocacy yet again in handwritten letter 

Major Synod on Synodality document highlights need to ‘welcome’ polygamists, ‘LGBTQ+ people’ 

