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You’re invited! Join LifeSite in celebrating 25 years of pro-life and pro-family reporting at our anniversary Gala August 17th in Naples, Florida. Tickets and sponsorships can be purchased by clicking here. 

(LifeSiteNews) – In 2015, LifeSiteNews launched Faithful Insight, a beautiful, full-color magazine that featured a monthly collection of the most important Catholic news from LifeSite and served as a historic marker of the (still ongoing) most turbulent time in Church history. Faithful Insight has since become Faithful Insight Books, a publishing imprint of LifeSiteNews.

Dedicated to the service of Christ through Our Lady, this magazine, unlike LifeSiteNews, was specifically intended for Catholics, but like LifeSiteNews, aimed to strengthen faith, life, the natural family, and freedom, by arming readers with truthful news and views and many inspiring stories from a faithfully Catholic perspective.

The name Faithful Insight is one rendering of the Latin phrase sensus fidelium, better known in English as “sense of the faithful” which the Catechism calls, a “supernatural sense of the faith,” where “all the faithful share in understanding and handing on revealed truth.” That sensus fidelium or faithful insight is bolstered as we see the truths of God confirmed in science and human experience. Conversion testimonies, the words of true fathers of the faith and the witness of countless martyrs “manifest a universal consent in matters of faith and morals.”

The guiding principle of LifeSiteNews permeated Faithful Insight – Caritas in Veritate – Love in Truth. It is not a love that is sentimental or afraid to risk loss of worldly respect, but the love a parent would show – a willingness to speak the hard truth out of love for the ultimate well being of their child.

Faithful Insight marked its first year of publication with a stunning, bright redesign. Throughout the course of its publication, it became essential reading for Catholics wanting to stay on top of uncensored Vatican developments, which were becoming increasingly concerning to faithful Catholics and pro-lifers alike. It was a catalogue of Vatican intrigue and the efforts of faithful Catholics to bring the barque of Peter back to its safe harbor between the pillars of the Eucharistic Lord and His Holy Mother.

Over the years, readers praised Faithful Insight as showing “bravery in the middle of our Roman Catholic, politically correct chosen path of today” and “telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

“At last we can get the full picture of the crises in the Church and society,” one reader wrote. “You give us the truth. If we have to fight the ‘enemy’ we have to know him and his tactics!”

In 2019, Faithful Insight was discontinued due to the high costs of printing. But LifeSite’s commitment to print media has continued with the Faithful Insight Books imprint, which published Sacred Betrayals: A widow raises her voice against the corruption of the Francis papacy. LifeSite hopes to bring more books to the international pro-life and pro-family movements, as well as enlightening literature for Catholic readers, in the future.

