June 18, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A late night show on American television recently featured what amounted to a propaganda music video by celebrities promoting vaccinations, promising “no lockdowns anymore,” and honoring COVID czar Dr. Anthony Fauci.
On Tuesday’s episode of the Late Late Show with James Corden, Ariana Grande and Marissa Jaret Winokur promoted COVID-19 vaccination with a new song, “No Lockdowns Anymore.”
In the song, Corden wakes up in the morning, free to enter into a world without lockdowns, masks, or social distancing. These regained freedoms are attributed to the vaccine.
“Woke up today, feeling okay, wow, this is new,” Corden sings, as he walks through a crowded street. “Got the vaccine, and it’s been two weeks. There’s life in the streets.”
As dancers bring out banners, a group holds up a banner of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the key coronavirus adviser to both President Trump and President Biden, who urged the whole county to lock down in early 2020. Those lockdowns then destroyed countless small businesses not deemed “essential,” causes millions to lose their work, and led many, especially among the young, to depression and sometimes suicide. Fauci has also been criticized for his possible involvement with the origins of COVID-19 via gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as well as for his contradictory advice on many issues, including masks.
Notwithstanding those issues, Corden sings, “Shout out to our favorite M.D, Anthony Fauci.”
“Once you’ve got the vaccine, hug your family,” the song ends. “Feeling so relieved, no lockdowns, we’re free.”
This video offers no data to support the claim that the world will return to normalcy when the population is vaccinated. In fact, the opposite has been shown. In May, after being declared the world’s most vaccinated country, Seychelles had an outbreak of COVID-19 cases and re-entered into stringent lockdowns.
On the other side of the issue, musician Conrad “RC” Goodsir wrote a rap aimed at teenagers and children encouraging them to “Just say no” to the vaccine. Goodsir tells how his doctor threatened him, “You must wait for the shot everybody’s got to get it or society stops.”
Goodsir’s video questions this mandate and points out that none of the vaccine companies are liable for adverse side effects from the vaccine. “I can’t trust you if none of these companies are liable,” he said.
Goodsir also argues that there has been rushed production and insufficient testing of the vaccine. “These shots are brand new, they ain’t fully approved,” he said.
Then, he mentions his doctor’s reply: “No, you can trust us it’s the latest in science. Never mind the people dying. Just give up your compliance.”
Rather than give in to “fear,” Goodsir tells how be fought the mainstream media only to have his tweet deleted. When he protested on the street, he was “arrested and fined.”
Goodsir says that while these beliefs are labeled as conspiracy theories, “it isn’t just a theory if it keeps coming true.” Despite being censored and arrested, Goodsir is not giving up. “I’m not about to hop down, I’m hopping in the saddle,” he sings, encouraging others to “Just say no.”