NEW YORK, December 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – On December 4, the George Soros-founded Open Society Foundations (OSF) announced that Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, chairman of the Smartmatic voting company, itself currently at the center of election fraud allegations, would be succeeding Patrick Gaspard as president of the OSF.
The British-born Malloch-Brown has had ties with Soros since at least the early 1990s, when the two worked together at Refugees International. Lord Malloch-Brown later rented a house from Soros, allegedly at rates below the market value since they had a friendship. The pair have continued to work together closely, with Soros appointing Malloch-Brown to high-ranking positions at a number of his funds and foundations, the latest being his promotion to president of the Open Society Foundations.
But Malloch-Brown is not only the president of Soros’s Open Society Foundations. He is also the chairman of electronic voting company Smartmatic. The connection set up between Soros and Smartmatic, through Malloch-Brown, raises questions about a possible conflict of professional and political interests. Leftist billionaire Soros has long been a financer of the Democratic Party, donating upwards of $25 million during Hilary Clinton’s unsuccessful 2016 presidential campaign against now-President Donald Trump.
Smartmatic claims that it works by a “stringent code of ethics,” in which they pledge to “remain impartial and independent.” Commenting on the fresh appointment of their chairman by Soros to president of the OSF, Smartmatic stated – in bold print no less – that “Smartmatic is 100% privately owned” and that “George Soros does not have and has never had any ownership stake in Smartmatic,” seemingly distancing themselves from the famed Hungarian billionaire.
Continuing, the election technology firm claim that they have handled some 3.7 billion votes over a period of 14 years and on no less than five continents. They have handled all this, they say, “without a single discrepancy.”
This claim is contrary to the findings of Professor Carlos A. Casanova, a native Venezualean who outlined his explosive findings in a November 24 LifeSite article.
Smartmatic has been at the center of allegations of electoral fraud consistently since their involvement in the referendum in Venezuela on Hugo Chávez in 2004, all the way up to the 2019 Bolivian presidential elections.
Malloch-Brown’s appointment comes in the wake of numerous allegations by attorney Sidney Powell against Smartmatic, including a signed affidavit from an unnamed member of the Venezuelan military who claims that the government there programmed the machines to log fraudulent votes. Similar patterns of electronic manipulation have been found during the course of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
Soros has openly opposed Trump since his bid for the presidency began back in 2015. In an interview with Project Syndicate in May of this year, Soros accused Trump of wanting “to be a dictator,” but said that the Constitution will “prevent him from doing certain things.” The left-wing billionaire went on to say that “I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations.”
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