MANHATTAN, New York, January 3, 2012 ( – Charges were dropped today against a New York woman who was accused by police last November of self-abortion in the first degree.
Yaribely Almonte, 20, was arrested November 30th after a superintendent of a Manhattan apartment complex discovered the remains of a tiny male baby still attached to his umbilical cord as he sorted garbage.
Almonte allegedly told investigators that she had imbibed a herbal tea to induce labor.
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New York state law prohibits a woman from committing or submitting to an “abortional act upon herself which causes her miscarriage” once she has carried her baby for more than 24 weeks. New York state law however justifies abortion if performed by a licensed physician to save the life of the mother, or for any reason within 24 weeks following conception.
Almonte appeared today at a Manhattan Criminal Court accompanied by her parents whereupon she received a letter indicating that the district attorney’s office was dismissing her charges, according to DNAinfo.
Prosecutors from the court said that there was insufficient evidence to carry forward charges against Almonte. They reportedly made no comment on their decision to dismiss the case.
Officials at a medical examiner’s office said that the baby’s autopsy is still in progress, NY Daily News says it learned.