
CLEARWATER, Fl, January 27, 2004 ( – Children of God for Life presented proposed legislation to Congressman Chris Smith’s office titled, the Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act 2004 (FLICA), on January 20th. 

The bill would require any prescription or non-prescription drug, vaccine or medical treatment that contains or is produced using embryonic or foetal cell lines obtained from procured abortion – or produced sexually or asexually through embryonic stem cell research or human cloning, to be labelled as such on the product labelling or package insert. The language includes protection of conscience and religious freedom for medical – professionals, pharmacists, researchers and consumers who wish to abstain from using or dispensing such products. What this also means is that parents, physicians and all health care providers will be given full knowledge of these products so that they can make a moral and informed choice of ethical alternatives. 

Children of God for Life, in their press release on the subject, tells us to “Get ready for a huge letter writing campaign to your Congressmen and Senators once the FLICA legislation is assigned a bill number. Timing is EVERYTHING! We will be letting you know the bill number and what must be done to ensure this important legislation is passed in both the House and Senate.” 

With files from Children of God for Life