December 7, 2016 ( – Representatives in the Chilean Congress have killed a proposed measure mandating the distribution to all of the nation’s schools a self-styled “sexual education” book that advocates gender ideology and contains graphic descriptions of perverse sexual acts.
The bill, which was proposed by the Chilean Communist Party, was barely defeated by a 46-44 vote in the country’s Chamber of Deputies, its lower legislative house. Sixteen representatives abstained from voting.
The book, “100 Questions about Adolescent Sexuality,” explicitly promotes the gay agenda, denouncing those who regard homosexuality as “an illness or something bad,” and admonishing readers that “it’s the obligation of all of us to educate ourselves and show that this diversity [of sexual preference] enriches us as human beings.” It also embraces gender ideology, claiming that there are “women with a vagina and women with a penis, and men with a penis and men with a vagina.”
Readers are provided with a list of organizations that promote homosexual and gender ideology and offer “support” to “girls, boys, and adolescents” who are “LGBT.”
The book contains numerous gratuitous images of male and female genitalia and has chapters such as “How can I have the most hygienic and pleasurable anal sex?” and “Is semen good for the skin?”
Strangely, the book answers the second question in the affirmative, claiming that it will eliminate wrinkles, although no medical literature exists supporting the claim and dermatologists dismiss it. It also informs readers that drinking the substance can be beneficial to their health.
The publication counsels young people that their age at the time of their first sexual encounter doesn’t matter as long as it’s “planned.” “Don’t worry about the age [when you first have sexual relations], it’s not an important factor, but one should be concerned about other topics. The ideal is that you plan that first sexual encounter. Who are you going to do it with? Do you like the other person? Does the other person like you? Where are you going to do it? How are you going to protect yourselves?”
Despite its overt ideological overtones, graphic content, and medically unverified claims, leftist president Michelle Bachelet’s Deputy Minister of Health has expressed his approval of the book. It has been vehemently denounced by one of Bachelet’s upcoming rivals for the presidency, Manuel José Ossandón.
The publication was created under the administration of Santiago’s former left-wing mayor, Carolina Tohá, who lost the following mayoral election to a conservative opponent by a wide margin. It was produced with the cooperation of 13 “doctors, sexologists, midwives, physiotherapists, and psychologists” and 13 students from Santiago high schools, according to Chile’s El Democrata newspaper. No parents were listed as involved in the project.