
BEIJING, December 12, 2002 ( – The People’s Republic of China’s official Xinhua news agency has released an upbeat attempt to portray the country, which has the world’s highest rate of sex-selected abortion of girls and conducts forced abortion and sterilization of unwilling women, as pro-women.  “For thousands of years,” the article says in Pravda-like tones, “Chinese women were full-time baby-bearing workers while their husbands, rich or poor, habitually just sat back and enjoyed the growing family.” Xinhua’s creative writers credit China’s brutal “family planning” policy with liberating women from this “feudal” state. In fact men as well as women endured serf-like status both before and after the 1949 communist conquest of the Mainland, except that after Mao’s takeover tens of millions died due to government programs.  To read the Xinhua article see: