BEIJING, May 7 (LSN) – Since the World Bank put pressure on Mao Tse Tsung to cut the population of China in the early ‘80s, the country has pursued a ruthless “one-child policy,” resulting in widespread and well documented human rights abuses, including forced sterilizations and forced abortions. Apart from such gross injustices, the policy has also caused demographic and social problems. Guo Xiang, a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, is quoted in London’s Electronic Telegraph today as saying that many children in China are now so spoiled that their grasp on reality is dangerously skewed. Increasing gang activity and teen violence have led China’s million-man police force to commence a massive anti-crime drive. The policy has also led to a disproportionately high number of men in the country. Due to economic and cultural pressures, many Chinese parents prefer boys to girls, and will abort girl babies to ensure their one child is male.
BEIJING, May 7 (LSN) – Since the World Bank put pressure on Mao Tse Tsung to cut the population of China in the early ‘80s, the country has pursued a ruthless “one-child policy,” resulting in widespread and well documented human rights abuses, including forced sterilizations and forced abortions. Apart from such gross injustices, the policy has also caused demographic and social problems. Guo Xiang, a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, is quoted in London’s Electronic Telegraph today as saying that many children in China are now so spoiled that their grasp on reality is dangerously […]