WASHINGTON, D.C., February 5, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-lifers across the nation are scratching their heads and saying, “With friends like Chris Christie and Jeb Bush, who needs enemies?”
Their frustration comes from both Christie and Bush attacking other presidential candidates as unelectable because they are pro-life without compromise.
This morning on MSNBC's “Morning Joe” program, New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie attacked Florida's Senator Marco Rubio for not favoring aborting children conceived in rape or incest.
“On the issue of pro-life, Marco Rubio is not for an exception for … rape, incest or life of the mother,” Christie said. “He has made it very clear.”
“I'm pro-life,” the New Jersey governor claimed, “but I believe that rape, incest, and life of the mother – as Ronald Reagan did – should be exceptions to that rule.”
Christie did not explain how the circumstances of conception make killing a conceived baby acceptable to him or how he can vacillate on the sacredness of human life depending on external situations.
Christie concluded by saying, “I think that's the kind of position that New Hampshire voters would be really concerned about.”
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In the past, Rubio has criticized Christie for giving money to Planned Parenthood, which traffics in aborted baby organs for profit.
Christie's remarks supporting abortion in the “hard cases” comes just days after a Jeb Bush surrogate made similar comments against pro-life fellow candidates.
South Carolina's Senator Lindsey Graham, in a “Morning Joe” interview, attacked both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio for not having more liberal positions supporting abortion.
“I think it's going to be very hard to grow the party among women if you're gonna tell young women, 'If you get raped, you're gonna carry the child of the rapist,'” Graham charged.
Like Christie, Graham did not explain how he can claim to believe in the sanctity of all innocent human life yet justify exceptions to that belief, when the baby to be killed remains innocent and human.
The attacks have raised the ire of pro-life leaders, causing one national leader to go so far as to publicly oppose self-proclaimed “pro-life” presidential candidates.
Susan B. Anthony List's President Marjorie Dannenfelser says establishment Republicans must stop attacking Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio for being too pro-life.
“The courageous pro-life positions of Senators Cruz and Rubio are of the highest integrity and deserve the respect of other candidates,” Dannenfelser said. “Instead, some campaigns have decided to do just the opposite.”
The pro-life leader charged the attacking campaigns of “doing the bidding of Planned Parenthood in some hope of short-term political gain.”
“These are attacks on the pro-life movement as a whole,” Dannenfelser explained, “and therefore are not the mark of a pro-life candidate. These attacks must end immediately.”
Jeb Bush's Right to Rise PAC has said it may spend as much as $20 million attacking Rubio in New Hampshire. One of two ads it tested before a focus group last fall attacked Rubio's 100-percent pro-life position.
Rubio's campaign responded to Bush's planned attack last fall. “Marco believes that all life is worthy of protection and is proud of his 100 percent pro-life record,” Brooke Sammon, a spokeswoman for Marco Rubio, told LifeSiteNews at the time.