By John-Henry Westen
TORONTO, June 13, 2006 ( – The summer newsletter of the Christian Children’s Fund of Canada has announced a partnership with former U.S. President and fervent abortion supporter Bill Clinton. Pro-life and family groups have reacted with shock that a Christian organization would partner with Clinton who is known—beyond his support for partial-birth abortion—for his philandering and mistruths. While the move has already lost the organization a long-time donor, the spokesman for the group defended the partnership in an interview with
The organization may have sensed a backlash when it entered the partnership, as the newsletter account of the new venture begins: “No matter what you may think of former President Bill Clinton’s politics, his commitment and passion when it comes to fighting the AIDS crisis in Africa is undeniable.”
A long-time CCFC donor who contacted but wished to remain anonymous expressed dismay about the new development.“For many years I had been a supporter of CCFC. I’ve never had any doubts that the money I donated was wisely spent and used to help those who desperately needed it,” he said.“Unfortunately recently I have found out that CCFC has built a partnership with the Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton has been well known for his advocacy of abortion and anti-family policies.”
Pro-life and family groups agree. In comments to, Campaign Life Coalition President Jim Hughes asked rhetorically, “How can any child-related organization partner with Bill Clinton after he twice vetoed the ban on infanticide, on partial-birth abortion?”
Ian Roberts, the communications manager for CCFC, told that Christians should have no concern with the partnership.“As a Christian organization, we are inspired by Christ’s example of personal, caring love,” he said.“All our senior staff make decisions for the organization according to those (Christian) principles and practice Christ-like values.”
When asked if he thought Christ would have partnered with the still unrepentant pro-abortion Bill Clinton, CCFC distanced itself from any political leanings or endorsement.“Partnership can in no way be construed as political endorsement at all,” said Roberts.
Asked again if Christ would have partnered with Clinton, Roberts replied, “I would say, I can’t speak for Christ, but if you look at the example of Zaccheus, there’s a good example there to follow, something to consider.” When it was noted that Zaccheus repented of his crimes and offered restitution, Roberts said the theological discussion was outside of his area of expertise.
It seems the issue boils down to funding.“I think the key thing that I would encourage our supporters to look at is that in the world of international development, major funders (sic) are certainly by no means easy to come by.”
The newsletter indicates CCFC has received $275,000 from the Clinton Foundation.
If the former CCFC donor who contacted is any indication, the monies from the Clinton partnership may cost the support of Christians.“I am afraid that under these circumstances the money I donate will be directed to the programs that conflict with my believes as Christian,” he said.“Therefore I have no choice but to stop my support for CCFC.”
REAL Women of Canada, also noted that CCFC is undermining the family by its promotion of condoms and graphic sex-education. The CCFC brochure notes that its programs educate people in the developing world about “the proper use of condoms both as a contraceptive and for the prevention of HIV/AIDS.”
REAL Women’s Gwen Landolt pointed out that since condoms do not protect fully against AIDS, claims of AIDS ‘prevention’ with condoms are dangerous.“In reality the third world countries often detest the fact that the aid organizations spread condom use and corrupt their youth with graphic sex-ed,” said Landolt.“It serves only to further the AIDS epidemic by giving children more curiosity, fuelling experimentation around sex, along with a false sense of security with condoms.”
Pro-family groups in America who were face to face with Clinton’s actions are even more shocked than their Canadian counterparts. Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America told, “No parent would trust Bill Clinton with their daughter. While other presidents are remembered for noble phrases, Clinton’s most memorable line, the most enduring picture people have of him, is claiming he did not have sex with an intern. Whatever possessed a children’s agency to make a lecherous man, who defended the most hideous method of killing nearly-born babies, the face of its campaign?”
To express concerns to CCFC:
Christian Children’s Fund of Canada
1027 McNicoll Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M1W 3X2Â
Canada Voice: 416-495-1174
Main Fax: 416-495-9395
Toll free: 1-800-263-5437
Customer Service and Requests:
[email protected]ÂÂ
Donor and Sponsorship Information:
[email protected]Â
See the CCFC newsletter: