(LifeSiteNews) — Radio host Mike Church is calling on Christians to reclaim June as a reverent month focused on the Sacred Heart of Jesus by celebrating it as “Humility Month.”
Traditionally during June, Catholics have honored the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose feast day is during that month. June is also the occasion of the feasts of Corpus Christi, Saints Peter and Paul, and Saint John the Baptist – a martyr for the sanctity of marriage.
June is supposed to be a “joyful, reverent” month full of increased Eucharistic Adoration and processions to honor Our Lord, Church told LifeSiteNews.
The radio host maintains that June was chosen as “pride” month by LGBT activists to “create maximum offense against the Son of God and therefore God himself.”

Church said he had been thinking about launching a “Humility Month” initiative since 2016, when the first “really in-your-face, blasphemous ‘pride month’” occurred, as political fights over transgender bathrooms were beginning. (It was only in 2015 that the U.S. Supreme Court redefined marriage; readers may remember that before then, the LGBT movement and American media were focused on emotional stories about homosexual unions and “marriage equality” as opposed to drag queens and transgenderism.)
“With every passing year, more and more, for-profit America … gets on board, to the point now where in 2023, ‘pride month’ is like Christmas. It’s just a forgone conclusion that it’s going to happen,” he added.
“Humility Month” offers Christians an alternative to the modern celebration of homosexuality, transgenderism, and sexual deviancy that now dominates the first month of summer. Church encourages people to put “Celebrate Humility Month” signs in their yards, display “Humility Month” stickers on their car windows, pray the Litany of Humility, and read Humility of Heart by Father Cajetan Mary da Bergamo.
The “Humility Month” initiative comes as the Los Angeles Dodgers re-issued, after briefly rescinding, an invitation to an openly anti-Catholic group of drag queens, the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” The baseball team said it will ask the sacrilegious group “to take their place on the field at our 10th annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night on June 16th.”
June 16 is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Catholic liturgical calendar this year.
“We can start treating [June] as the regal, royal month of Our Lord and His social kingship that it is,” said the radio host. The feasts of the Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi should be treated as the significant holidays they are. Public prayer and processions, especially for the feast of Corpus Christi, are particularly important. “Pride” parades can be countered with peaceful, calm rosaries of reparation.
“Reparations have to be made all during the month for all of these abominations” against God and the Sacred Heart, said Mr. Church.
“Be peaceful, be respectful, be reverent,” and practice “spiritual situational awareness.”
“Always proceed as you’re representing Our Lord here … the main thing is, I would say, act Christian. Follow the golden rule,” he advised.
And learn the rosary prayers and the St. Michael prayer in Latin. “I hear from a good friend that the devil hates Latin.”
More information about “Humility Month” can be found here.