Does LifeSiteNews influence the world’s most powerful people? CNN thinks so.
On Friday the huge international news outlet reported on the fact that Melinda Gates – a self-professed “Catholic” – has been receiving criticism after announcing that she is spending billions of dollars promoting population control in the third world.
“Responding to simmering controversy among Catholic bloggers about her new birth control program, Melinda Gates—a practicing Catholic—said she will not shrink from her role as an advocate for poor women,” CNN reported.
And then, two paragraphs later, CNN singled out one website in particular as the source of these criticisms – criticisms that have provoked Gates to go the circuit of the mainstream media defending her actions.
Can you guess which website it was?
“One blog in particular,,” CNN reported, “has frequently published diatribes against Gates, calling into question her faith, and calling her plan a ‘blatant attack on Catholic sexual morality.”
Aside from their intentional or not error of calling LifeSiteNews a “blog”, I don’t know what CNN considers a diatribe. If calmly pointing out that population control harms rather than helps women in the third world, and that it also happens to go against clear Catholic teaching, is a “diatribe” – then I guess we’re guilty as charged!
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The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private foundation in the world. You’d think with all those billions of dollars and all their power and influence it would be well nigh impossible to prick their consciences when they go off the beaten track.
But evidently LifeSiteNews’ reporting is being heard, even by the Gates family.
Of course, it’s worth pointing out that the Gates have also done much good work with their money. They’ve provided medicine and other real necessities to the sick and impoverished. We fully support them in these life-giving endeavors.
However, at the same time, a huge amount of their cash is aimed at population control measures – although they don’t like calling it that: in fact they flat out deny it.
But, as the saying goes, ‘follow the money.’ Right now they are rolling out the largest-ever expansion of population control, with a $4 billion contraception campaign directed at limiting the fertility of 120 million women in the third world.
When you consider that Melinda Gates publicly proclaims herself to be ‘Catholic’ and claims that what she is doing is just fine according to her faith, you can see just how big a problem this new initiative of hers is.
Now, in a sane world, trying to getting rid of the poor by forcing on them something they don’t want – contraception – rather than helping them by providing them with things they actually need – food, health care, education – would be seen for what it is: condescending and harmful. In the same way, in better times a billionaire who called herself a Catholic while pushing contraception on an unheard of scale would be downright laughable.
Unfortunately, however, the mainstream media not only fully supports Gates’ campaign, but, even worse, religious leaders seem to either outright support her, or to be averse to the idea of correcting wayward Catholics like her in the public eye.
After all, this is the age in which public figures like Nancy Pelosi and Kathleen Sebelius, who frequently attack the Catholic Church and its teaching on things like abortion and gay “marriage,” are allowed to call themselves “Catholic,” and are rarely called to account for it. In fact, you might remember that we reported that the Ursuline nuns who educated Melinda Gates have issued a statement expressing their enthusiastic support for her birth control program!
That’s why it is often left to LifeSiteNews to do the ‘dirty work’ of simply reporting the uncomfortable facts that no one else will report.
It’s not easy work. But somebody’s got to do it.
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This is the case even though we always do what we do out of love – caritas. The truth is, we care enough about Melinda Gates to warn her that what she’s doing with her money is often hurting rather than helping women – and it’s hurting her soul too.
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Steve Jalsevac
Managing Director