By Hilary White
BOGOTA, June 14, 2006 ( – In a June 6th vote the Colombian Senate approved a law that would recognize same-sex partners. The vote was 11-2 to allow homosexual partners to claim access to social security and other rights normally reserved to married couples.
The legislation’s supporters argued that the social atmosphere of Colombia had altered to accept such a move.
Colombia has been a major target for the social re-engineering project to insert the values of the sexual revolution into largely Catholic Latin America. This particular effort ofÂthe revolution is under way through internationally funded activist groups pushing abortion, contraception and homosexual “rights”.
In March, Bogota’s Archbishop, Cardinal Pedro Rubiano Saenz asked for prayers from people around the world to stop abortion from being legalized by court order. Cardinal Rubiano said, “The future, not only of Colombia, but of all of Latin America is at stake. The loss of one country (in terms of legal protection for the unborn) will substantially weaken the pro-life fabric of all of Latin America.”ÂÂLast month theÂcourts ruled to legalize abortion.
Read related coverage:
Colombian Court Legalizes Abortion – Beachhead for Activists in Latin America
Colombian Senate Approves Marriage-Like Rights for Homosexual Partnerships
By Hilary White  BOGOTA, June 14, 2006 ( – In a June 6th vote the Colombian Senate approved a law that would recognize same-sex partners. The vote was 11-2 to allow homosexual partners to claim access to social security and other rights normally reserved to married couples. The legislation’s supporters argued that the social atmosphere of Colombia had altered to accept such a move.  Colombia has been a major target for the social re-engineering project to insert the values of the sexual revolution into largely Catholic Latin America. This particular effort ofÂthe revolution is under way through internationally […]