Pray for an end to IVF and the protection of human embryos: Join our prayer pledge
COLORADO SPRINGS. Colorado (LifeSiteNews) — Colorado officials are threatening the medical license of a nurse who helps save preborn babies by educating their conflicted mothers about abortion pill reversal (APR), a safe practice that is bitterly opposed by pro-abortion elements in the medical establishment.
In the Washington Examiner, Mackenna Greene relayed the story of how, out of fear for the life-changing impact of a second child, she took the first pill of a chemical abortion regimen but “immediately regretted” it and went online for a way to save her child. She found the Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN), which put her in touch with area nurse practitioner Chelsea Mynyk, who advised her about APR.
The abortion pill mifepristone (better known as RU-486) works by blocking the natural hormone progesterone that developing babies need to survive. APR consists of administering extra progesterone to counteract mifepristone’s effects, ideally within 24 hours of taking the abortion pill.
“Chelsea was honest with me about the process; there was only a chance that my baby could be saved,” Greene said. “She prescribed progesterone for me, and I continued to see her for several weeks afterward to monitor my pregnancy and ensure that my baby grew normally. Just five months ago, I gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby girl. My boyfriend and I are completely in love with her.”
Yet a third party filed a complaint against Mynyk over her promotion of APR, leading to an investigation by the Colorado Board of Nursing. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) secured an injunction last year allowing her to continue offering APR, but the case is ongoing, so the threat to her medical practice remains.
“There are other women like me out there who immediately regret their decision to have an abortion and want a chance to save their babies,” Greene wrote. “I was one of the lucky ones, but if these government officials have their way, more mothers will lose out on this incredible opportunity – and more babies will lose their lives. As the annual March for Life took place on Friday, I was grateful for Chelsea and others like her who truly want to help women. Medical professionals should do what Chelsea does: save lives. And the government shouldn’t stop them.”
Pro-abortion detractors claim that APR is unproven and potentially harmful, but as pro-life OB/GYN Dr. William Lile has explained, the technique is based on principles that are well understood from progesterone’s common, FDA-approved use in a variety of other pregnancy-related situations. According to APRN, “initial studies of APR have shown it has a 64%-68% success rate.” Heartbeat International also publishes anecdotal, firsthand testimonials from women who have benefited from the technique.
As of November 20, APR has successfully prevented more than 6,000 chemical abortions, according to APRN’s statistics.
Pray for an end to IVF and the protection of human embryos: Join our prayer pledge