DENVER, July 3, 2012 ( – A Colorado state senator has joined national pro-life groups condemning the attack on Personhood founder Keith Mason’s Denver home, where his four young children were terrorized by a vandal shattering the family’s front door with a 45-pound rock in the middle of the night.
“My immediate reaction is extreme disappointment that the opponents of Personhood, or some, would stoop to such an ugly tactic like intimidating someone’s family and destroying their property,” Senator Kevin Lundberg (R-Berthoud) told in a telephone interview Tuesday.
“Such actions are completely inexcusable,” he said, noting that the Personhood movement remains a point of controversy in Colorado. “This is an important issue that the people really need to come to terms with, and this isn’t the way to do it.” Lundberg said he has been supportive of the movement “ever since the beginning.”
Keith Mason says he has already moved his family to a safe house, and planned to find a new place to live. The attack, which included vulgarities and coathangers scribbled on the front of their home in red spraypaint, was apparently triggered by a recent article about the Personhood founder and his family in Newsweek. The article mentioned that the family had four children, the eldest eight years old.
The Personhood leader said that someone had posted the family’s home address in the comments section of the article, which had already gone “crazy” with angry remarks against the family. Mason said other comments had said his wife Jennifer, who is pregnant with their fourth child, “should be raped and forced to carry the baby,” or that Mason himself should be neutered and killed.
Meanwhile, Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life is challenging abortion advocates to reach across the aisle as national pro-life leaders have done in opposite circumstances, and immediately condemn the violence.
“Where are the voices of Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and other abortion advocacy groups when violence is perpetrated on pro-life people?” said Fr. Pavone. “These groups are heard loud and clear when violence is done to supporters of their philosophy. It would be nice to see some consistency here.”
In 2009, dozens of national pro-life leaders and groups condemned the murder of late-term abortionist George Tiller of Kansas within one day.
Priests for Life noted that it had recently dealt with terrorism as well: in May, a pro-abortion extremist pleaded guilty to threatening the life of Father Pavone and Princeton University scholar Robert George. Theodore Schulman faces up to four years in prison at his sentencing in September.
American Life League president Judie Brown also released a statement, saying: “Those who oppose the total protection of the innocent preborn child always stoop to tactics involving cunning and deception, but this latest direct physical attack on the home of the Mason family is beyond the pale. American Life League decries all violence, including the aborting of preborn children.”