
Dear Readers,

Without judging Ted Kennedy's final hours, we all should be deeply concerned about what message Saturday's Kennedy funeral will send. Considering that President Obama is at the moment slated to give the eulogy and that he has been a master in exploiting the Church to the advantage of his dangerous agendas, this could have far worse effect than even the Notre Dame speech and award.

The media super saturation of Kennedy stories is also an indication of the degree to which his death is being exploited to overwhelm us with liberal ideology to induce support for the Obama agenda. It has become obscene.The Obamacrats may be overplaying their hand once again.

Glen Beck, who some of us have never heard of until recently, has been producing an astonishing series of investigative programs on the Obama administration. It seems as each week goes on we are finding that Obama is even worse than we realized the previous week. Beck is exposing these realities probably more than any other media personality, although many others are also working very hard at it.

Will it be enough? Information is good only to the degree that the people take effective, responsible actions based on that information. It seems that Obama and company are moving very, very fast, using all the resources of government fiscal and other powers to overwhelm and blunt building resistance. The good guys had better be moving just as fast. This is not about Republican vs. Democrat or even about politics. It is about saving the nation and protecting life, family and freedom.

The new totalitarians are increasingly determined to squash homeschooling because the children who come out of that form of education are far less likely to accept propaganda and tolerate threats to their freedom. State institutions are determined that these children must become the fuzzy thinking and easily manipulated future citizens now being formed in a majority of today's education institutes. Ideological control of children's formation has become a major purpose of modern education.

Steve Jalsevac