
While many people have been on holidays and the lazy days of summer have been passing, there have been numerous, hugely important news stories to report. As always, the enemies of life and family do not go to sleep during the summer. LifeSiteNews has therefore been hopping.

I must say that our staff has been awesome trying to keep up to all these historical developments – many of them gravely concerning - while we have been short staffed for various reasons and the on-going heat wave has been energy draining.

The quality of LSN reports by our writers under these circumstances has impressed me and Friday's reports are no exception.

Patrick Craine has an excellent report on very encouraging, if not astonishing changes by the Chicago Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This is exciting news and we hope the Canadian Catholic bishops take note of the Chicago model as they continue their deliberations on reforming Canada's Development and Peace organization.

Peter Smith provides a sobering and well written analysis on the likely huge role that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy will play in deciding the California Proposition 8 final outcome. This is a must read.

Also, Peter's interview with Rev. Tom Brockis ground breaking. It provides a refreshingly honest and enlightening perspective on how a person with homosexual tendencies can best respond to this ongoing struggle in their life - no slogans, no ideology and courageous facing of the truth about homosexuality. Brock really cares for himself and for others on this issue and is consequently living a fulfilling, though not easy life.

Hilary White, in her usual, well informed, no-nonsense style, takes the “pro-choice” propaganda phrase head on, revealing why no pro-life person should ever use that dishonest terminology. We cringe every time a pro-life leader, bishop or other religious leader uses the phrase, not comprehending how they undermine the pro-life struggle by doing so. “Pro-life” was never coined to be a propaganda phrase. It honestly represents the position of all those who value unborn and born life and who are opposed to far more than abortion because they treasure all human life. Hilary's other report on the statements from formally locked-in patients is both chilling and inspiring. 

The REAL Women report on Canada's Conservative government decision to stop using taxpayer's dollars to fund numerous radical feminist and other leftist groups is another encouraging story. These unpopular groups have been given highly priviliged government funding status for years while almost all other interest groups have had to struggle greatly for voluntary donations from supporters.  Most of these leftist groups would have gone nowhere if it were not for the massive government largess they received. Their fundraising appeals to the public usually produce dismal results. Really, how many Canadians want to send donations to radical, angry social change organizations that manipulate the courts and lobby governments to undue our traditional freedoms and suppress centuries of valuable social traditions?

There have been an unusual number of highly important international stories during the summer. The Kenya Constitution reports by James Tillman and the Mexico Supreme court decision report by Matthew Hoffman, among many others that we have reported this summer, reveal that the international culture war is very hot.

And there are more excellent reports. Enjoy.

Please keep our financial needs in mind. Donations drop off like a rock every summer and this year that lack of donations has been especially pronounced. The regular monthly donors have been a critical lifeline although their donations still far from cover all our necessary costs. Still, without them our situation would be more precarious.

If you can send a donation it would be greatly appreciated. We have some special large expenses coming up in the near future but do not yet have the funds yet to cover them. Our website is being completely redesigned for necessary reasons, we are changing to a more reliable outside email service, and there is some costly, but absolutely necessary travel coming up in late August and September/October that must somehow be covered.

Steve Jalsevac
Managing Director