The US House voted 245-189 Jan. 19 to repeal the Obama administration’s health care bill, whereas this evening (Wednesday) the Senate defeated repeal by a very thin, 4 vote margin. The story is far from over.
Today we published Human Life International’s response to Fr. Euteneuer’s statement. The HLI statement raises additional, serious concerns about the former HLI president’s actions while he was president of the organization.
LifeSiteNews takes all the published statements on this issue very seriously and feels obliged to respectfully present the remarks made in each one of them, given the persons and organizations involved.
Other increasingly sensational reports about alleged misdeeds by Fr. Eutenueur, beyond what he has admitted in his statement to LifeSiteNews, continue to be reported by bloggers. However, it has so far been difficult to publish LifeSiteNews reports on these allegations because of a significant amount of conflicting, confusing and unverifiable information related to them.
LifeSiteNews has been putting substantial resources into its efforts to compile verifiable information regarding the allegations and other questions still being asked on this matter. We may publish additional reports in the coming days – if we are able to obtain credible information acceptable to LifeSiteNews reporting standards. It remains to be seen whether that will be possible.
The last 23 photos have been added to the March for Life Photos feature pages. Take a look. We are sure you will enjoy the visual overview of this inspiring, very upbeat event. You will also undoubtedly notice how cold a day it was by the clothing worn and the painful expressions on the faces of many of the marchers. Brrrr.
The story on Michele Bachmann’s speech at the March for Life Rose dinner now has an attached audio file of the speech. The speech was radically different from what we have come to expect from politicians. The beginning and end directly refer to pro-life issues. The central theme is a spiritual one that Bachmann later relates to pro-life.
Lastly, there have been important updates to our Last Ten Days Stories, View all Stories on One Page and View all Stories by Date services. The full list of all titles for View All Stories on One Page is once again available at the top of each day’s page, as it was on the old website. There is still a formatting problem related to pages with multiple photos, but that will soon be resolved.