Our publication today of the Statement by Father Euteneuer to LifeSiteNews, and the memo by Fr. Euteneuer’s bishop to his priests, have come in the wake of a growing volume of reports and allegations by bloggers regarding the controversy. LifeSiteNews is very carefully following developments on this issue and will publish further reports as additional, verifiable information becomes available.
Page 3 of the March for Life photos pages is now online. These photos do a great job of conveying the joy, enthusiasm and impressiveness of the march. Please pass on the link to Page 1 (which links to the other pages) to others. More photos will follow tomorrow. For a complete list of all our March for Life related reports see the titles at the bottom of 400,000 March for Life in DC with great joy. NOTE: a formatting problem with viewing the photos in Internet Explorer has been corrected.
The LifeSiteNews report on the very impressive, Academy-Awards-like Life Prizes event in Washington the Saturday before the March, was missing our photos of the evening. There was confusion as to which of our several cameras was used at the time. Today we publish those impressive photos in the report Life Prizes Awards 2009-2010 photo journal. Be sure to take a look at them and the associated notes.
Recent LSN blog posts:
Pro-life stealth technology? – John Jalsevac
A troubled globe – Hilary White
MTV’s ‘No Easy Decision’: insight into why abortions occur – Fr. Frank Pavone
Pregnancy centers defeat onerous regs in Baltimore – Daniel McConchie
French Senate defeats euthanasia bill 170 to 142 – Alex Schadenberg