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The South Dakota legislature is providing a sharp contrast to increasing eastern red state suppression of pregnancy care centers. The proposed SD bill requiring mandatory pregnancy care center counseling before any abortion decision is made is astonishing, especially in how it defines what qualifies as a pregnancy help center.
The Filipino bishops are a wonderful example to the rest of the world by their courageous personal leadership in the struggle to defend life and family. This is what faithful Christians and even many non-Christians, the world over naturally expect and need from these spiritual leaders, but far too often are denied – especially in the wealthy developed nations.
One of yesterday’s articles, Death threats against UK columnist for opposing homosexualist agenda needs special mention. There has been a consistent recent pattern of seemingly a majority of people who know right from wrong, especially religious leaders, deliberately avoiding confronting and acting on the truths about homosexuality and its dangers to homosexually active persons and to society. This politically correct abdication of personal responsibility has facilitated and encouraged today’s increasingly totalitarian and hateful gay activism. A loving, but firm and courageous public response is urgently needed. We pay now, or we pay later – at a much higher price.