
Dear Readers,

Planned Parenthood is exposed again – this time by one of its own killing center directors. More important, this has shown the power of 40 Days For Life.

Patrick Kennedy can't understand why he is not getting the same pass from his bishop on abortion that his father got for years. Bishop Thomas Tobin is publicly taking Kennedy to task over the scandal of his obstinate support for the killing of the unborn. This is really astonishing. The good bishop will hopefully receive much encouragement for what he has done. It is a great example to his brother bishops.

We should all be grateful for the passage of the Stupak health care amendment. However, as Stephen Mosher and a growing list of other leaders strongly warn, the Stupak Amendment has by no means eliminated all the grave dangers that are still in the bill. They warn that the battle is far from over and it would be a serious long term error to now give the bill a stamp of approval. Exceptional leadership is required at this time.

Steve Jalsevac