Dear Readers,
We have seen over the weekend that the Obama administration is determined to do whatever it must, including promising hundreds of millions of tax dollars to certain senators, to get its health care reform through – with abortion coverage. No one should underestimate that determination.
Bishop Tobin's holy frankness is inspiring. It is encouraging to read the strong support he is receiving in mainstream news comments sections. It is also disturbing to read the lesser, but still significant number of irrational and bigoted comments from those who deny his right to act as a religious shepherd in these situations. But then, that is what Christ and most of the saints experienced. Evil howls when the good respond with courage.
Also, Patrick Kennedy's hostility towards his bishop and his poor understanding of the Church's teaching on abortion underscores the validity of the widespread dismay over how the Church allowed his father's funeral to be conducted. It is no wonder that the poor man is so confused about what is right and what is wrong and what “pro-life” really means.
The critics of the US Catholic Campaign for Human Development were lambasted by Bishop Morin for their “outrageous” allegations that the bishops' charitable-arm funds pro-abortion and anti-family organizations and ”other untruths.” And yet, it was at the same time admitted that the CCHD needs reform and that developments are underway for the charity's overall renewal. Sigh. It would be edifying if the response were simply, “Yes, there are problems. Thank you for bringing these new facts to our attention for the good of the Church. We will take actions to make sure this never happens again.” Isn't that what we should naturally expect from religious leaders? Thankfully, at least a few of the bishops have responded that way.
We will have to keep an especially close watch on the EU from now on. They have their Lisbon Treaty passed and now also have their first president. Quite frankly, this is not looking good. The only way this behemoth can be restrained, we believe, is by a great renewal of Christian leadership, belief and practice in Europe.
The speech by Deputy Supreme Knight Dennis Savoie in Quebec is quite significant. Not all Knights of Columbus Councils in North America are on board with the Supreme Council's commitment to the great struggle against the Culture of Death. Savoie laid it down – the battle against abortion and euthanasia must be engaged by all knights – no matter what the local laws are at this time.
Steve Jalsevac