Dear Readers,
Pro-life forces are making it very difficult for the Obama/Pelosi Democrats to pass their deadly and duplicitous health care bill. Thankfully the Catholic bishops are finally playing a leading role in the attempt to at least stop the abortion funding aspects of the bill, although there is much more that is seriously wrong with the legislation than that.
Read Kathleen Gilbert's excellent commentary on the health care controversy.
The pro-abortion, pro-gay, etc. non-Catholic, “Catholic” left is a huge problem for the struggle to defend life and family. Deal Hudson provides some experienced commentary on this week's TIME article that seems to have been written to generate more division among Catholics at this very crucial time. We hope few will be taken in by the manipulations in the article.
It is surreal to see “Catholic” house lease Nancy Pelosi leading the dirty war against the good while, even now, no Catholic bishop has done anything to effectively hold her to account. And some still wonder why there was such an uproar over the Kennedy funeral. I think Pelosi proves the point. After that funeral she had to believe that there are no real spiritual consequences for pro-abortion, pro-gay militancy. Can you blame her?
Have a great weekend.
Steve Jalsevac